Senior Project Officer (Energy)

This opening expired 9 months ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

Application deadline 9 months ago: Thursday 18 Apr 2024 at 12:00 UTC

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Join Our Mission to Foster Prosperity in Asia

Are you ready to make a lasting impact on the future of Asia and be a catalyst for positive change? We are thrilled to offer a unique opportunity to become an important part of the prestigious Asian Development Bank (ADB). At ADB, our mission is simple yet powerful: to alleviate poverty and promote sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region.

Organizational Setting and Reporting Relationship

The position of Senior Project Officer (Energy) is assigned to the Bangladesh Resident Mission (BRM) within the South Asia Department. You will be based at BRM Office in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

You will report to the Country Director, BRM and will oversee Administrative Staff. You will have a matrix reporting to Director or designated International Staff (IS) in the Energy Sector Office (SG-ENE) within the Sectors Group (SG).

Your Role

As a Senior Project Officer (Energy), you will: (i) contribute to the resident mission (RM) by handling loan/Technical Assistance (TA) processing and administration, portfolio management, sector work, and other general sector activities, covering public and private sector operations, with focus on assigned sector(s); (ii) take the lead role in the administration of assigned loans and TAs, and a support role in processing of assigned loans and TAs; (iii) assist in administration of non-delegated renewable energy sector projects; (iv) assist in overall monitoring of the status and performance of the ADB’s Bangladesh portfolio (delegated and non-delegated projects); and (v) undertake sector work, including in the areas of programming, processing, and analysis.

You will:

Project & TA Preparation and Administration • Lead the energy team in Bangladesh under the overall guidance from Director, Energy or designated staff to conduct power and energy policy dialogue with the government and provide team leadership by facilitating work planning, delivery, and reviews with the team. • Review project/program designs and sector assessments, liaise with government officials, collect relevant data and information, and contribute to related technical due diligence. • Lead in the processing and administration of assigned loans and TAs, together with other staff from RM and HQ, government agencies, development partners, private sector partners, and other stakeholders to facilitate the successful administration and monitoring of ADB-financed loan and TA projects. Identify and address issues with EAs, IAs, contractors, consultants, and beneficiaries, preparing and implementing corrective measures. • Monitor the progress of assigned projects and prepare project performance reports (including compliance with loan covenants). Where necessary and required, undertake field review and prepare Aide Memoire/Back-to-Office Reports. • Monitor and coordinate with the executing agencies (EAs) the timely submission of monthly/quarterly progress reports, audited project accounts and financial statements, and withdrawal applications. Participate in Tripartite Portfolio Review Meetings (TPRM) and prepare background and issue papers for TPRMs. • Prepare and monitor contract awards & disbursements, identifying factors responsible for shortfalls and expediting achievement of target levels where possible. • Administer the implementation of assigned TAs by undertaking consultant recruitment and monitoring implementation progress, providing guidance to TA consultants, providing written comments on TA consultants’ deliverable reports, and liaising with the EAs and participate in tripartite discussions with the government. Prepare internal procurement papers, review of procurement documents including draft designs and cost estimates, and papers for extension of loan closing dates, reallocation of loan proceeds, changes in scope and implementation arrangements, and other project administration tasks. • Provide advice to government ministries, EAs and sector entities on ADB guidelines on procurement, recruitment of consultants, preparation of tender documents, etc. to ensure effective implementation. • Assist EAs in the areas listed above for projects administered by various sector divisions in the HQ. • Assist in the preparation of Project Completion Reports, TA completion Reports, and support or participate in Project Review or Country Portfolio Review missions as a mission member, as required. • Provide support to country programming assistance by participating in discussions with line ministries and EAs on proposed assistance on the sector and follow up on outstanding issues with concerned ministries and EAs. • Provide input and feedback to the ENE Sector Office and Sector Group initiatives in project administration, reflecting operational issues and experience from the team and EAs/IAs to ensure system improvement leads to more efficient portfolio outcomes.

Sector Work • Contribute to sector work by conducting independent research, updating sector information, analyzing financial, institutional, or economic issues, and leading portfolio management activities by maintaining a database of key performance indicators, preparing or clearing consolidated reports, ensuring timely actions are undertaken, and providing necessary support. • Contributes to the preparation of sector assessments within the context of development aid effectiveness and national sector strategy to be utilized for programming purposes. • Maintain up-to-date knowledge base of future government investment plans and approval processes, organizational structures and policies relevant to the assigned sectors. • Act as the focal point for the Energy sector and maintain close relationships with the relevant Government agencies and HQ staff.

Other Operational Support • Organize, contribute to, support, and participate in meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops, and training sessions for EAs and IAs in procurement and project administration/management. Produce required reports on undertaken tasks and perform other duties as assigned and reflected in the incumbent’s workplan.


You will need:

● Bachelor's degree in related disciplines; preferably with Master's Degree or equivalent. ● At least 8 years of relevant professional experience in project management and implementation; and at least 4 years of supervisory experience ● Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. ● Demonstrated expertise and experience within the assigned sector. ● Experience & knowledge of various stages of the project cycle (project planning / feasibility analysis / detailed design / project implementation / construction supervision / contract management) is desirable. ● Sound knowledge of government administrative systems and procedures. ● Familiarity with accepted best practices of procurement and disbursement processes. ● Effective report-writing and communication skills in English. ● Ability to mentor junior National Staff (NS) and Administrative Staff (AS) to facilitate work planning, delivery and quality review. ● Ability to liaise and work effectively with government officials within own work location. ● Ability to work collaboratively with teams as a constructive team member. ● Please refer to the link for ADB Competency Framework for National Staff Level 3.


ADB offers competitive compensation and a comprehensive benefits package. The salary will be based on ADB’s standards and comparator markets, taking into account your qualifications and experience.

● Paid leave (including parental) ● Medical and health benefits ● Life and other insurance plans ● Staff development ● Retirement plan

Additional Information

This opening is a local staff position. It is open only to nationals and residents of Bangladesh.

This is a fixed term appointment with an option to renew for an initial period of 3 years following Section 3.1 (b) of Administrative Order No. 2.01 (“Recruitment and Appointment’). This appointment is not convertible to a regular appointment. It may be extended on an exceptional basis for a further fixed period at the option of ADB. This appointment is open to internal and external applicants.

About Us

Asian Development Bank (ADB) is an international development finance institution headquartered in Manila, Philippines and is composed of 68 members, 49 of which are from the Asia and Pacific region. ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. ADB combines finance, knowledge, and partnerships to fulfill its expanded vision under its Strategy 2030.

ADB only hires nationals of its 68 members.

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ADB seeks to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and given equal opportunities to work in an inclusive environment. ADB encourages all qualified candidates to apply regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious and cultural background, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities. Women are highly encouraged to apply.

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Added 10 months ago - Updated 9 months ago - Source: