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Acted Last sync: 7 hours ago
Action Against Hunger Last sync: 4 hours ago
Action Contre la Faim Last sync: 22 minutes ago
ADB Last sync: 1 hour ago
AFDB Last sync: 9 months ago
Alliance Bioversity CIAT Last sync: 3 hours ago
African Union Last sync: 1 month ago
CERN Last sync: 7 hours ago
ICRC Last sync: 5 hours ago
Inspira Last sync: 33 minutes ago
UNESCO Last sync: 6 hours ago
CGIAR Last sync: 3 hours ago
Clinton Health Access Initiative Last sync: 5 hours ago
DRC Last sync: 7 hours ago
European Central Bank Last sync: 4 months ago
European Union Careers Last sync: 5 months ago
FAO Last sync: 5 hours ago
FHI360 Last sync: 9 hours ago
American Heart Association Last sync: 2 hours ago
Heifer International Last sync: 2 hours ago
Humanity & Inclusion Last sync: 2 hours ago
IAEA Last sync: 7 hours ago
ideglobal.org Last sync: 33 minutes ago
IMF Last sync: 4 hours ago
Tony Blair Institute Last sync: 3 minutes ago
IOM Last sync: 6 months ago
ESA Last sync: 5 hours ago
GIZ Last sync: 5 hours ago
ILO Last sync: 3 hours ago
Plan International Last sync: 5 hours ago
UNDP Last sync: 52 minutes ago
UNOPS Last sync: 6 hours ago
Médecins du Monde Last sync: 2 hours ago
Mercy Corps Last sync: 3 hours ago
NATO Last sync: 1 year ago
NRC Last sync: 8 hours ago
onlinevolunteering.org Last sync: 2 years ago
People in Need Last sync: 2 hours ago
IRC Last sync: 8 hours ago
Relief International Last sync: 5 hours ago
Save The Children Last sync: 4 hours ago
Street Child Last sync: 2 hours ago
Trócaire Last sync: 1 hour ago
UNAIDS Last sync: 29 days ago
UNFPA Last sync: 6 hours ago
UNHCR Last sync: 1 hour ago
UNICC Last sync: 1 hour ago
UNICEF Last sync: 8 hours ago
UNV Last sync: 7 hours ago
USAID Last sync: 4 hours ago
OSCE Last sync: 8 hours ago
WEF Last sync: 3 hours ago
WFP Last sync: 26 days ago
WHO Last sync: 7 hours ago
WIPO Last sync: 8 hours ago
World Bank Last sync: 4 hours ago
WRI Last sync: 3 hours ago
WTO Last sync: 1 hour ago
World Vision Last sync: 8 hours ago
