Regional consultant on Offshore Monitoring Operations to support UNEP/MAP-GEF MedProgramme to support the pilot implementation of the Offshore Monitoring Plans in the Mediterranean Sea (Leve

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UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme

Open positions at UNEP
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Application deadline 1 year ago: Thursday 29 Jun 2023 at 23:59 UTC

Open application form

Result of Service The ultimate result of the services is to provide the GEF/MedProgramme with national offshore operational monitoring plans, through the definition and identification of monitoring activities in GEF-eligible MedProgramme participating countries.

Work Location home-based

Expected duration 6 working months spread over a period of 12 months

Duties and Responsibilities General Information

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the United Nations system's designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional levels. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. United Nation’s Environment Ecosystems Division works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and advisory services for the implementation of environmental policy, and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. This consultancy assignment is for the Coordinating Unit of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), Athens, Greece.

This consultancy assignment is in the framework of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded Mediterranean Sea Programme (MedProgramme): Enhancing Environmental Security (GEFID 9607), and Child Project 1.1 (GEF ID 9684): Reducing Pollution from Harmful Chemicals and Wastes in Mediterranean Hotspots and Measuring Progress to Impacts executed by UNEP/MAP. The CP1.1 Component 2 “improve monitoring capacity to be able to measure these and future reductions in pollution levels” (IW component) aims to strengthen the regional cooperation frameworks to identify priorities and actions that will lead to increased environmental and socioeconomic benefits in the Mediterranean.

Under the outcome of Component 2 (Outcome 2: Littoral Countries enabled to identify trends and progress to impacts ) of Child Project 1.1 (GEF ID 9684) the Output 2.3 activities will build upon progress achieved across the region, supporting specifically IMAP extension in offshore areas for Common Indicators of IMAP (for GEF eligible Countries).

MEDPOL is the Executing Partner of Component 2 of CP 1.1 and is in charge of the execution of Offshore Monitoring related activities in line with its mandate for following up to the implementation of the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP) under the UNEP/MAP Secretariat.

To this aim, UNEP/MAP recruited, under the framework of CP 1.1 a consultant who prepared a stocktaking report of technical and scientific capabilities for offshore monitoring in GEF-eligible MedProgramme participating countries; a first draft version of the MedProgramme Offshore Monitoring Strategy expanding IMAP considering also existing the Offshore Protocol monitoring requirements; preliminarily identified the IMAP Common Indicators to be monitored as well as 20 offshore proposed monitoring stations in Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Tunisia; outlined a first draft proposal for a governance mechanism to implement the Strategy, indicated preliminary elements on guidelines/protocols supporting the implementation of the Strategy; preliminary identified 5 areas for pilot implementation of the Strategy and provided initial elements for preparing a Survey Programme for the each of the five pilot areas and related procurement plans. The developed Strategy including the elements mentioned in the paragraph above still needs to be aligned with the National IMAP Work Plans, the IMAP Guidance Facts Sheets and the IMAP Monitoring Guidelines/protocols. The Strategy, the IMAP CI to be monitored and the 20 offshore proposed monitoring stations should still be validated by the countries. The 9 Countries have still to prepare their respective “National Offshore Monitoring Plan” including quality assurance and methodological approaches. The governance mechanism to implement the Strategy should be still finalized and validated by MedPOL and by the countries. The proposed areas for the pilots should be still aligned with the national IMAP plans and validated by the countries. The five areas for the pilots should be confirmed and a Survey Programme for each of the five pilot areas should be prepared along with the procurement plans.

For this, UNEP/MAP requires the services of an expert to support the review of the elements under the draft Strategy, as mentioned above and integrate additional aspects in the draft Offshore Monitoring Strategy of the marine environment based on IMAP, including: - the proposed 20 offshore monitoring sites, - the proposed list of selected Common Indicators to be monitored at the offshore monitoring sites - the proposed 5 pilot stations

The consultant will work under the direct supervision of the MED POL Programme Management Officer, in close consultation with the MedProgramme Management Officer and under the overall guidance of the MAP Deputy Coordinator. The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

1. Prepare a detailed work plan and timetable for the assignment. 2. Review the draft offshore strategy document against the comments received from MAP Coordinator and MED POL, as appropriate, and align the document with the National IMAP Work Plans and the IMAP Guidance Facts Sheets and the IMAP Monitoring Guidelines/Protocols. 3. Provide technical support for the review of the proposed list of selected Common Indicators to be monitored at the offshore monitoring stations along with monitoring operational modalities (type of sampling, frequency, required operational standards for collection, storage, transport and analysis), as appropriate. 4. Provide technical support for the review of the 20 proposed monitoring sites, as appropriate, to ensure alignment with the National IMAP Work Plans for the GEF-eligible MedProgramme Participating Countries. 5. Provide technical support for the review of the selection criteria and the proposed 5 stations for the pilots, according to the comments received, as appropriate. 6. Prepare a draft template for a generic “national operational offshore monitoring plan” in the GEF-eligible countries. 7. Provide technical support for the review and further development of the proposed governance mechanism, as appropriate, to implement the Offshore Monitoring Strategy including data reporting and assessment 8. Provide technical support for the consultation of the draft offshore strategy document with the 9 beneficiary countries, including review of comments and for the preparation of “national operational offshore monitoring plans” including technical inputs on the indication of available equipment and facilities and of the required support (basic equipment and technical assistance) to perform the synchronized and standardized collection of data in offshore areas within national monitoring programmes. 9. Provide technical assistance and support to interested Partner Countries through consultations for the final identification of the 20 offshore monitoring stations (including reference stations), the preparation of the “national operational offshore monitoring plan” and the drafting of proposed operational plans for implementing the offshore monitoring strategy in 1 national or cross-border pilot area, including through missions to the concerned countries, upon their request. 10. Provide technical support in the final identification of the 5 Pilots according to the revised criteria, and technical inputs for the drafting of ToRs and the SSFAs for the implementation of the offshore monitoring strategy in 5 national or cross-border pilot areas 11. Draft the final report for the implementation of activities under this assignment.

Qualifications/special skills Advanced University degree in marine sciences, environmental sciences, chemistry, geology, biology or related disciplines required A minimum of 5 years of progressively responsible work and experience in environmental monitoring with a focus on the marine environment is required Good understanding of UNEP/MAP system, IMAP, and the Mediterranean policy framework is desirable Fluency in English (written and spoken) is required Fluency in French and/or Arabic (written and spoken) is desirable

Languages Fluency in English (written and spoken) is required


Added 1 year ago - Updated 1 year ago - Source: