Programme Support Specialist

This opening expired 2 years ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Open positions at UNODC
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Application deadline 2 years ago: Monday 21 Mar 2022 at 00:00 UTC

Open application form


This is a UNV International Specialist contract. This kind of contract is known as International UN Volunteer. It is normally internationally recruited only. More about UNV International Specialist contracts.

UNODC is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs and international crime, and it is mandated to assist, in coordination with other agencies such as UNDP and IOM among others, Member States in their struggle against illicit drugs, crime and terrorism. The three pillars of UNODC’s field office work are: Field-based technical cooperation to enhance Member States’ capacity to counteract illicit drugs, crime and terrorism; Research and analytical work to increase knowledge and understanding of drugs, crime and terrorism issues, and to expand the evidence base for policy and operational decisions; Normative work to assist States in the ratification and implementation of relevant international treaties, and the development of domestic legislation on drugs, crime and terrorism. The position is located at the Regional Office for West and Central Africa (ROSEN) of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Dakar, Senegal. The incumbent will work under the direct supervision of the UNODC Senior Law Enforcement Advisor.

Under the direct supervision of the UNODC Senior Law Enforcement Advisor, based at ROSEN in Dakar, Senegal, the UN volunteer will undertake the following tasks: Programme Management Support OCWAR-T project implementation vis-à-vis donors’ agreements and UN rules and regulations; Contribute to the organization of missions and events and liaison with relevant partners, donors and other stakeholders with regards to OCWAR-T project development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; Produce a variety of written outputs, such as background papers, presentations, talking points, briefing notes, meeting reports, project reports, project documents, project revisions and budgets.
Prepare/review all correspondence linked to the implementation of parts of the projects assigned; Support the drafting of funding proposals to countering illicit trafficking and organized crime, in line with the UNODC Regional Programme developed in the Region; Support UNODC's Law Enforcement Section in enhancing coordination and regular consultation among projects teams at the regional and field offices. Carry out other work-related tasks as required. Furthermore, UN Volunteers are required to: Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities (for instance in events that mark IVD); Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country; Reflect on the type and quality of voluntary action that they are undertaking, including participation in ongoing reflection activities; Contribute articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.; Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly-arrived UN volunteers; Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering, or encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible. When working with national counterparts, the UN Volunteers are strongly encouraged to dedicate time to mentor, train and develop the capacity of counterparts to help sustain development initiatives after completion of the assignment.

Excellent research and drafting skills required. Excellent communication/PR skills required Interest and knowledge of political, social and security issues in Africa is an asset.

international affairs or the private sector, in the areas of programme management, monitoring, and communications / public relations, including in the areas of drug control, crime prevention, law enforcement and/or criminal justice. Solid knowledge and understanding of the main concepts in domains of law enforcement and criminal justice; Working experience with the United Nations system is an advantage, as is experience in a developing country. Knowledge/experience in UNODC’s regional and integrated programming approach is desirable.

L'évolution rapide de la nature du COVID-19 a restreint de façon considérable et croissante la liberté de circulation des personnes, y compris à l'intérieur des pays. Ces restrictions peuvent perturber la capacité des VNU nationaux à commencer leur affectation sur leur lieu de service ou limiter la possibilité d'entrer dans les locaux des Nations Unies. Par conséquent, le programme VNU n’est pas en mesure de garantir un déroulement normal des affectations. Les candidats sélectionnés pour des affectations de Volontaires nationaux qui nécessitent un déplacement vers le lieu d'affectation peuvent, à titre exceptionnel, se voir accorder pendant cette période des modalités de travail alternatives leur permettant de travailler depuis leur lieu de recrutement jusqu'à ce que les restrictions soient levées. Les candidats sélectionnés pour des affectations de Volontaires nationaux peuvent également se trouver dans l’obligation de commencer leur affection depuis leur lieu de recrutement dans les cas où l'accès aux locaux de l'ONU est restreint. L’Agence hôte sera responsable des décisions concernant les options de télétravail et le réaménagement des modalités de travail. Il est recommandé aux candidats de discuter, au cours de leur entretien avec l'Agence hôte, des conditions de voyage, des restrictions éventuelles et des autres dispositions possibles. Si leur candidature est retenue, les candidats devront examiner attentivement les conditions de l’offre du programme VNU avant de l'accepter. Le contrat couvre la periode ci-dessus indiquée, renouvelable selon la disponibilité des fonds, nécessités opérationnelles et performance satisfaisante. cependant il n’y a aucune guarantie soit prolongé au-delà du contrat initial. Une indemnité mensuelle de subsistance de volontaire, censée couvrir le logement, les besoins de base ainsi que les charges utilitaires (eau, électricité, etc.) équivalent à XOF 524726.92 (montant et monnaie de paiement) vous sera versée. Vous aurez aussi droit à un voyage vers le lieu d’affectation et une Indemnité d’installation (SIG) (si applicable); une assurance médicale (avec dépendants, maximum trois), une assurance d’incapacité et une assurance vie. Un billet pour le voyage retour vers votre lieu de recrutement (si applicable) sera fourni et une indemnité de réinstallation (RSA) après service satisfaisant vous sera payée.

En plus de ce qui precede, pour les lieux d’affectation sans famille classifiés sous catégories D ou E selon la classification de ICSC, une indemnité de bien-être sera versée chaque mois ; à raison de 15% de VLA pour le bien-être niveau A et 30% de VLA pour le bien-être niveau B respectivement.

Added 2 years ago - Updated 2 years ago - Source: