National Monitoring and Reporting Consultant

This opening expired 2 years ago. Do not try to apply for this job.
TR Home-based; Türkiye

Application deadline 2 years ago: Monday 6 Jun 2022 at 23:59 UTC

Open application form


This is a National Consultant contract. More about National Consultant contracts.


I. Organizational Context

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women's rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides support to Member States’ efforts and priorities in meeting their gender equality goals and for building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.

In Turkey, in line with its global Strategic Plan 2022-2025, UN Women works towards one overarching goal “Women and girls including those at greatest risk of being left behind fully exercise their human rights, enjoy a life free from violence and discrimination, and lead, influence and benefit from sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development towards the advancement of gender equality in Turkey” and three strategic objectives: 1) Women and girls have improved and equal access to resources, opportunities, and rights, and enjoy a life without violence and discrimination; 2) By 2025, Persons under the Law on Foreigners and International Protection are supported towards self-reliance; 3) By 2025, governance systems are more transparent, accountable, inclusive and rights-based with the participation of civil society, and quality of judicial services is improved.

Towards these goals, UN Women implements programmes and projects that aim to advance gender equality, improve women's access to opportunities, rights and services in political, social and economic life and combat gender stereotypes, discrimination, and violence, as required by international and national legal and policy commitments. UN Women collaborates with numerous partners – central and local level government authorities, civil society organizations, including women's organizations and platforms, academia, private sector companies, other UN agencies. It commits itself to the Leaving No One Behind principle by supporting targeted actions to remove the obstacles that marginalized and vulnerable groups of women face in accessing their rights and to promote them as agents of change.

a. UN Joint Programme for the Prevention of CEFM

In Turkey, UNICEF, IOM, UNFPA, UNHCR, and UN Women have been working together on the “UN Joint Programme for the Prevention of CEFM” (the Joint Programme) since 2018, with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The First Phase of the Joint Programme ended in September 2021, resulting in increased national synergies in CEFM prevention through advocacy on the international and national normative framework; data generation and analysis; technical support to national and provincial coordination mechanisms and action plans; and community mobilization with a focus on girls’ empowerment and male engagement.

The Second Phase will be implemented by UNICEF, UNFPA, and UN Women, with consultative support from IOM and UNHCR, covering the period between 1 October 2021 and 30 September 2024. UN Women, in cooperation with participating UN Agencies, will contribute to the achievement of the following outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: By 2024 children and women at risk of CEFM and survivors have better access to quality protection and response mechanisms in line with international standards.
  • Outcome 2: By 2024 social norms and attitudes favourable towards ending CEFM are increased in targeted areas.

In the Second Phase, interventions aimed at strengthening policy and legislative frameworks and service delivery will cover the whole country, while community-based interventions will be expanded to selected provinces where rates of CEFM are higher than the national average in Turkey (Adana, Edirne, Gaziantep, Izmir, Kocaeli), including two provinces that have high Roma populations.

b. ‘Advancing gender equality and women’s leadership in political and business life’ project (Women Lead)

To address persistent gender gaps and in line with the country’s national and international commitments, in the past years the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) in Turkey, has prioritized support to increase women’s participation in political decision-making as well as women’s leadership and gender equality in the private sector. This support has taken place under several projects and programmatic frameworks, and in line with UN Women flagship global initiatives, under the framework of UN Women’s global Strategic Plan and Country Strategic Note for Turkey.

Building on the achievements and lessons learnt over the previous year, the project “Advancing gender equality and women’s leadership in political and business life” has an overall objective to advance women’s leadership and participation in decision-making in Turkey by focusing on key stakeholders and actors in the fields of politics and business life under three specific outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: Legislative frameworks and arrangements promote gender balance in elections and decision-making bodies in line with the international normative framework.
  • Outcome 2: A cadre of interested, diverse and capable women political and business leaders is formed and supported to exercise leadership.
  • Outcome 3. Local level authorities with multi-stakeholder engagement, implement new and existing international commitments on gender equality and women’s empowerment through gender responsive plans and budgets.

The project targets as direct beneficiaries Equal Opportunities Committee at the Turkish Grand National Assembly, women aspirants and candidates at local level, CSO representatives, academics and activists /defenders working for women’s rights and gender equality, media outlets and private sector companies.

Reporting to the Programme Analyst (Women Lead), National Monitoring and Reporting Consultant –will be responsible for high-quality monitoring and reporting of results under the above two programmes, in line with UN Women and donor requirements. S/he will provide support to UN Women Turkey Office in incorporating monitoring and reporting into programme formulation as well tracking against Strategic Plan targets and the reporting of results to internal and external audiences. National Monitoring and Reporting Consultant –will work in close coordination with the Monitoring and Reporting Analysts under the Gender Responsive Budgeting and Support to Civil Society projects and will be an integral part of the functional team on planning, monitoring, reporting and evaluation of the UN Women Turkey Country Office.

Duties and Responsibilities

II. Functions

Under the co-supervision of CEFM Project Coordinator and Women Lead Programme Analyst , the National Monitoring and Reporting Consultant will undertake the following tasks:

1. Provide guidance to the project teams in incorporating monitoring and reporting into programme formulation

• Provide quality assurance of program documents through review of results frameworks in order to meet SMART criteria;

• Manage the development of monitoring indicators, monitoring calendars, and field monitoring plans and quality assurance processes; ensure use of relevant evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations are incorporated to programme formulation;

• Conduct assessment (including situational/context analysis, capacity assessment, causal analysis) and prepare reports to feed into strategic planning and/or change management processes;

• Provide inputs to the annual work plan monitoring, reviews and reporting;

• Ensure linkage of Annual Work Plans (AWPs) and corresponding Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (MER) Plans with the UN Women Strategic Plan;

• Provide strategic guidance to partners and project teams in developing Performance Monitoring Frameworks (PMFs) and Baseline Surveys;

• Ensure the allocation of sufficient funds for monitoring, evaluation and reporting under the two projects.

2. Provide technical guidance to the project teams in monitoring and tracking of results against country targets and UN Women Strategic Plan pertaining to the above-mentioned two projects.

• Ensure data collection and analysis from field visits are coordinated and standardized;

• Monitor data from partners and beneficiaries on a regular basis and draft regular management briefs to inform decision making;

• Meet with partners and key beneficiaries to support monitoring of results and planning processes and provide technical support to beneficiary and partner organizations in planning, monitoring, reporting, developing Performance Monitoring Frameworks (PMFs), development and implementation of Baseline and End Line Surveys;

• Contribute to drafting and monitoring of the UN Women Turkey Office’s Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Plan.

3. Oversee reporting of results to internal and external audiences

• Coordinate and provide technical guidance to the project teams in meeting internal and external reporting requirements and deadlines, including annual reporting process;

• Provide inputs for the corporate quarterly and annual reports; as well as for inter-agency reports such as for the relevant UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Strategy Results Groups and 3RP coordination mechanisms;

• Prepare result-oriented donor and programme reports;

• Ensure use of relevant evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations are incorporated into programme reporting;

• Review progress reports submitted by partners and beneficiaries and provide feedback to improve quality and timeliness of reporting;

• Ensure the availability (including collecting and maintaining) of data for country, regional and global corporate reports, mid-term reviews, and final evaluations;

• Provide support for reporting to UN INFO – UN Sustainable Development Group data portal.

4. Contribute to knowledge building and capacity building

• Identify and disseminate good practices, lessons and knowledge; as identified through programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation activities;

• Develop capacity development tools, including training materials and packages;

• Manage capacity building opportunities of staff and partners in the region/country in the areas of Results Based Management (RBM), monitoring and reporting;

• Promote the awareness and understanding of the shared responsibility of M&E among all staff members through communication, training, learning and development activities;

• Ensure coordination and liaison with the Evaluation Specialist and other relevant focal points at the UN Women Europe and Central Asia Regional Office as required.

The Consultant is expected to provide services when required with advance notice from UN Women Turkey Office. The abovementioned tasks are indicative and subject to further detailing through specific service requests to be made by UN Women Turkey Office during the course of the contract duration.

III. Deliverables and Payment Schedule

Duration of the assignment is from 15 July 2022 – 30 June 2023. The Consultant is expected to spend up to 120 working days on a non - consecutive basis throughout the assignment. The consultant will use his/her own equipment.


Output (Deliverable)

Work days up to

Target Deadline

Providing guidance to the Country Office (CO) in incorporating monitoring and reporting into programme formulation

Conducting baseline surveys

Conducting assessment (including situational/context analysis, capacity assessment, causal analysis) and preparing reports to feed into strategic planning and/or change management processes

Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (MER) Plans

120 days

(60 days for 2022 & 60 days for 2023)

By the end of each month between 15 July 2022 – 30 June 2023

Providing technical guidance to the CO in and oversee monitoring and tracking of results against country targets and UN Women Strategic Plan pertaining to the two projects

Conducting baseline surveys

Assessment Reports

Supporting the development of monitoring frameworks for partner activities/projects

Supporting the reporting of results for partners and reviewing the progress reports submitted by partners and beneficiaries

Development of baseline and endline surveys

Ensuring data collection and analysis from field visits are coordinated and standardized

Monitoring data from partners and beneficiaries on a regular basis and draft regular management briefs to inform decision making

Institutional plans and reports and Performance Monitoring Frameworks (PMFs)

Drafting the project progress reports in close cooperation with the project team

Donor specific progress reports

Conducting assessment (including situational/context analysis, capacity assessment, causal analysis) and preparing reports to feed into strategic planning and/or change management processes

Provide inputs for the corporate quarterly and annual reports; as well as for inter-agency reports

UN Women Turkey quarterly monitoring reports, annual report, institutional plans and inter-agency reports

Updating the project teams regularly on good practices, lessons and knowledge

Developing capacity development tools, including training materials and packages

Delivering knowledge building and capacity building activities to staff and partners on result based monitoring and reporting

Reports on capacity development initiatives


120 w/d

Note: Within the consultancy, 60 days are allocated for CEFM programme whereas the remaining 60 days are allocated for Women Lead project. 30 days are estimated to be spent in 2022 (15 days for CEFM and 15 days for Women Lead) whereas 90 days are estimated to be spent in 2023 (45 days form CEFM and 45 days for Women Lead).

The mentioned number of working days has been estimated as being sufficient/feasible for the envisaged volume of work to be completed successfully and is proposed as a guideline for the duration of assignment. It cannot and shall not be used as criteria for completion of work/assignment. The provision of envisaged deliverables approved by the UN Women Programme Analyst shall be the only criteria for national consultants’ work being completed and eligible for payment/s.

National Consultant shall be paid upon on a monthly basis based on the monthly report including the deliverables produced within that month in addition to the timesheet indicating the days allocated for the specific deliverables produced in that month. Payment shall be affected only if the monthly report and the timesheet are submitted to and approved by the Programme Analyst (Women Lead).

During assignment’s related missions, the National Consultant may use the facilities of the office (i.e. internet access, printing, copying, local phone calls, etc.). However, s/he is expected to use his/her own personal computer.


The assignment is home-based with domestic travel. There might be one domestic travel in 2022 (within the scope of Women Lead Programme) and three domestic travels in 2023 (one of them within the scope of Women Lead Programme and two of them within the scope of the UN Joint Programme on the Elimination of CEFM). The provinces for which the travels are foreseen are Adana, Ankara Edirne, Gaziantep, Istanbul, Izmir, Kocaeli. However, there may be changes to the provinces during the course of time.

The Consultant will be responsible for all travel and accommodation expenses and daily subsistence allowances associated with undertaking this assignment. All travels and logistical arrangements shall be coordinated with UN Women in Turkey and shall be included in the total contract amount of the contractor.

The taxi fees for attending the meetings are also under the responsibility of the Consultant.

In the case of an unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs should be agreed upon, between UN Women in Turkey and the Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.

Mandatory Courses:

The Consultant shall complete all the mandatory and further required UN courses, training and modules on time. Their certificates shall be submitted to the Hiring Manager during the contract preparation process. Please note that the required training courses could vary based on contract content and duration, the nature of the work and inclusion of travel. Hence, the Consultant is obliged to follow the instructions of his/her Hiring Manager upon which training modules to complete and when to complete them.

IV. Key Performance Indicators

  • Timeliness, accuracy, and quality of the products delivered,
  • Willingness to shares knowledge and experience,
  • Demonstration of excellent written and oral communication skills and communicating sensitively, effectively and creatively across different constituencies,
  • Ability to perform a variety of standard specialized and non-specialized tasks and work processes that are fully documented, researched, recorded and reported,
  • Ability to review a variety of data, identify and adjust discrepancies, identify and resolve operational problems,
  • Uses Information Technology effectively as a tool and resource,
  • Adherence to UN Women standards and rules.


V. Competencies

Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

Functional Competencies:

  • Strong interpersonal, teamwork and communication skills.
  • Ability to work independently and proactively solve problem;
  • Capacity to plan, priorities and deliver tasks on times;
  • Capacity to engage with national and international staffs, to provide clear feedback and maintain effective rapport with different kinds of people;
  • Actively works towards continuing learning and share with other to support local capacity development;
  • Ability to research, analyze and present complex information.

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women’s Core Values and Competencies:

UN Women does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

Required Skills and Experience

VI. Required Skills and Experience:


  • Master’s Degree in Public Administration, International Development, International Management, Project Management, Statistics, Gender Studies, Social Science, International Relations, Political Science or related field is required.

Skills and Experience

  • Minimum 5 years experience in Results-Based Management (RBM), strategic planning, results-based monitoring, reporting and evaluation, and/or statistics in development work is required.
  • Experience in gender equality projects/programmes is a strong asset.
  • Experience working with partners in the field is an asset.
  • Experience in this or a related field in Europe and Central Asia would be considered an asset.
  • Previous professional experience with the United Nations or similar international organizations in this or a related field would be considered an asset.

Language Requirement

  • Fluency in English and Turkish is required.

VII. Application Procedure:

The following documents should be submitted as part of the application:

  • Cover letter to include a brief overview about which of your previous experiences makes you the most suitable candidate for the advertised position.
  • CV in English containing the relevant educational and professional experience.

  • P11 including past experience in similar assignments; can be downloaded at

  • Financial proposal (with breakdown of fee on a per day basis. The financial proposal shall include a breakdown of this lump sum amount. Financial proposal to be sent via e-mail to [email protected] indicating the name of the position applied in the subject line of the e-mail no later than the application deadline. Please see Annex I: Price Proposal Guideline and Template and Annex II: Price Proposal Submission Form.

When applying; the Cover Letter, CV and the signed P11 Form should be merged into one (1) single PDF document since the system will allow only to upload maximum one document. Therefore, please combine these forms and documents into one (1) single PDF document and upload them to the system.

As for the Financial Proposal, please send it separately via e-mail to [email protected] indicating the name of the position applied in the subject line of the e-mail. Since it is to be submitted separately via e-mail, the Financial Proposal should not be uploaded to the system or be included in the merged PDF which shall consist of the applicant’s Cover Letter, CV and Signed P11 Form. Please make sure not to include the Financial Proposal in the merged PDF document.

Candidates should have the ability to quickly submit degree certificates, medical certification and any other requested documents should they be short-listed in consideration of the consultancy post.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.

VIII. Evaluation of Applicants

Candidates will be evaluated using a cumulative analysis method taking into consideration the combination of the applicants’ qualifications and financial proposal. Contract will be awarded to the individual consultant whose offer receives the highest score out of below defined technical and financial criteria. Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points in the technical evaluation would be considered for financial evaluation.

Total points

Max. Points

Technical Evaluation (70%)


Master’s Degree in Public Administration, International Development, International Management, Project Management, Statistics, Gender Studies, Social Science, International Relations, Political Science or related field is required.


  • Minimum 5 years international experience in Results-Based Management (RBM), strategic planning, results-based monitoring, reporting and evaluation, and/or statistics in development work is required.

(5 years – 10 pts, for 5-7 years – 15 points, 7+ years 20 points)


  • Experience in gender equality projects/programmes is a strong asset.

    (1 year – 5 pts, for 1-3 years – 10 points, for 3+ years 15 points )


  • Experience working with partners in the field is an asset.

    (0: without experience 10:Demonstrated experience)


• Experience in this or a related field in Europe and Central Asia would be considered an asset.

(0: without experience 5:Demonstrated experience)


  • Previous professional experience with the United Nations or similar organisations in this or a related field would be considered an asset.

    (0: without experience 5:Demonstrated experience)


  • Fluency in English and Turkish is required.


Financial Evaluation (30%)




The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal. All other price proposals receive points in inverse proportion. A suggested formula is as follows:

p = 30 (µ/z)

Using the following values:

p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated

µ = price of the lowest priced proposal

z = price of the proposal being evaluated

An interview/practical test may also be used for the selection of best candidates.

Annex I: Price Proposal Guideline and Template

The prospective Individual Consultant should take the following explanations into account during submission of his/her price proposal.

1.Daily fee

The daily price proposal should indicate a "lump sum amount" which is "all-inclusive"; All costs (professional fees, communications, consumables during field related missions, etc.) that could possibly be incurred by the Contractor needs to be factored into the proposed price.

UN Women will not withhold any amount of the payments for tax and/or social security related payments. UN Women shall have no liability for taxes, duties or other similar charges payable by the Individual Contractor in respect of any amounts paid to the Individual Contractor under this Contract, and the Contractor acknowledges that UN Women will not issue any statements of earnings to the Individual contractor in respect of any such payments.

2.Travel costs

The assignment is home-based with domestic travel. There might be one domestic travel in 2022 (within the scope of Women Lead Programme) and three domestic travels in 2023 (one of them within the scope of Women Lead Programme and two of them within the scope of the UN Joint Programme on the Elimination of CEFM). The provinces for which the travels are foreseen are Adana, Ankara Edirne, Gaziantep, Istanbul, Izmir, Kocaeli. However, there may be changes to the provinces during the course of time

The Consultant will be responsible for all travel and accommodation expenses and daily subsistence allowances associated with undertaking this assignment. All travels and logistical arrangements shall be coordinated with UN Women in Turkey and shall be included in the total contract amount of the contractor.

In the case of an unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs should be agreed upon, between UN Women in Turkey and the Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.

3.Currency of the price proposal

The applicants are requested to submit their price proposals in Turkish Liras.

Annex II: Price Proposal Submission Form

To: United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Ref: National Consultant – Monitoring and and Reporting

Dear Madam/Sir,

I, the undersigned, offer to provide professional consulting services to UN Women within the scope of the referred Assignment.

Having examined, understood and agreed to the Terms of Reference and its annexes,

the receipt of which are hereby duly acknowledged, I, the undersigned, offer to deliver professional services, in conformity with the Terms of Reference.

Based on the deliverables and estimated working days summarized in the ToR, my maximum total price proposal for the assignment is given below:



Daily Fee, all inclusive

Total Fee for the Assignment for 120 days

Travel Fee

Domestic Flight Tickets and Transfer Cost x 4

(This is in line with the maximum estimated number of travels for this assignment. The domestic flight ticket will be from the city where the mission originated to other mission provinces. The price should reflect the fee of a round travel for 4 times as well as the transfers within the city where the mission originated and the city of mission. For each travel the Consultant will be paid for one item.)

Daily Substance Allowance (DSA) Cost x 8

(This is in line with the maximum estimated number of travels for this assignment. The missions may be for one day DSA or two days DSA based on the number of nights spent in the city of mission. As per UN Women guidelines; the DSA consists of accommodation (50%), breakfast (6%), lunch (12%), dinner (12%) and miscellaneous expenses (20%). The DSA fee of the Consultant should indicate the lump sum fee for accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner and miscellaneous expenses. The Consultant will receive reduced DSA for the items as per the percentages stated above covered within the organization provided by UN Women. Important notice: For each night away from the duty station, the Consultant will be paid one day DSA.)

Total Travel Fee

Total Fee (Daily Fee + Travel)

I confirm that my financial proposal will remain unchanged. I also confirm that the price that I quote is gross, and is inclusive of all legal expenses, including but not limited to social security, income tax, pension, etc., which shall be required applicable laws.

I agree that my proposal shall remain binding upon me for 90 days.

I understand that you are not bound to accept any proposal you may receive.







Added 2 years ago - Updated 2 years ago - Source: