International Consultant to support Municipal Coordination Mechanisms against Domestic Violence in Kosovo (SSAs)

This opening expired 2 years ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

Application deadline 2 years ago: Monday 20 Jun 2022 at 00:00 UTC

Open application form


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In September 2020, the Assembly of Kosovo voted to incorporate the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) under its Constitution, Article 22, so that the Convention is directly applicable in the Kosovo legislation. This has also initiated the process of drafting the new law on prevention and protection of violence against women and domestic violence in Kosovo.

The Pillar IV of the Convention emphasizes the importance of co-ordinated policies in order to address domestic violence in a victim-centred and organized manner. This, inter alia, means ensuring that there are appropriate mechanisms in place that provide for effective cooperation among the judiciary, public prosecutors, law-enforcement agencies, local and regional authorities and NGOs.

In the Kosovo context, the main network established at the local level to respond to the domestic violence are the municipal mechanisms for protection of victims of domestic violence. Representatives from all service providers to victims of domestic violence, including police, prosecution, judges, social workers and municipal officers representing health and education sectors, are members of the local co-ordination mechanisms. A newly approved Kosovo Strategy on Protection against Domestic Violence and Violence against Women, 2022-2026 as one of the objectives envisages establishing and strengthening coordination mechanisms at the local level for the management of cases of violence. Between 2014 and 2021, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo supported the establishment of 15 municipal mechanisms for protection of victims of domestic violence . Additionally, another 13 mechanisms were established with the help of other international organizations, among other the UN Women. In its regular field monitoring activities, the Mission observed that many of the established mechanisms do not meet on a regular basis, do not follow meeting procedures, and lack relevant terms of reference (ToR) defining roles and responsibilities of each member.

The pilot project targets the mechanisms for protection of victims of domestic violence active in Prishtinë/Priština, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica South, Mamushë/Mamuşa/ Mamuša and Gračanica/Graçanicë. The specific municipalities were selected to reflect the various communities in Kosovo, such as Kosovo Albanians, Kosovo Roma, Kosovo Serbs and Kosovo Turks.

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo seeks to hire an international consultant to assess the mandate, policy framework, roles and responsibilities and functioning of the mentioned four municipal coordination mechanisms in Kosovo through a desk research, individual and/or focus group interviews and develop a set of recommendations. Based on the assessment the consultant is expected to develop a guidebook with the practical tools and conduct the capacity building workshops for the members of four Municipal Coordination Mechanisms enhancing their skills and knowledge about inter-agency co-operation when dealing with the domestic violence cases and supporting the victims.

Objective of Assignment:

The objective of the present consultancy is to further enhance the work of the Municipal Coordination Mechanisms against domestic violence in Kosovo through conducting an in-depth needs assessment of four mechanisms in Prishtinë/Priština, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica South, Mamuşa / Mamushë / Mamuša and Gračanica/Graçanicë municipalities, provide capacity building trainings and develop a guidebook with practical tools for their efficient functioning.

Duration of Assignment:

The expert will be hired for 30 working days.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

Under the supervision of the Project/Activity Manager, the consultant will be tasked to conduct a need assessment of the above-mentioned four Municipal Coordination Mechanisms through a methodology developed together with the project manager, develop a guidebook, and deliver the trainings for the member of the four Municipal Mechanisms in Prishtinë/Priština, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica South, Mamuşa/ Mamushë/ Mamuša and Gračanica/Graçanicë. The training should be interactive to ensure engagement of the participants with practical examples. To conduct an assessment on the functioning of the four municipal coordination mechanisms for preventing domestic violence supported by a set of recommendations.

  1. To draft a guidebook on mandate, procedures and functioning of the municipal coordination mechanisms against domestic violence in English language. The guidebook will be translated and published in Albanian, Serbian, and Turkish languages to harmonize functioning of the mechanisms across Kosovo. The guidebook will be delivered to all municipal coordination mechanisms on protection against domestic violence.
  2. Train members of the municipal mechanisms on protection from domestic violence of Prishtinë/Priština, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica South, Mamuşa/Mamushë/ Mamuša and Gračanica/Graçanicë.


  • Assessment of four Municipal Co-ordination Mechanisms against Domestic Violence in Prishtinë/Priština, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica South, Mamuşa/Mamushë/ Mamuša and Gračanica/Graçanicë containing a set of recommendations (by the end of July, 2022).
  • For the assessment purposes individual and focus group interviews with all relevant stakeholders, including members of MCMDVs, institutions, non-governmental and donor organizations as agreed with the project manager in advance (by 15 July, 2022).
  • A validation workshop held with all partners involved in the assessment (by 05 September, 2022).
  • Draft guidebook on mandate and policy framework with the practical tools on procedures and functioning of the Municipal Coordination Mechanisms against Domestic Violence in Kosovo (by the end of August, 2022).
  • A detailed plan and materials for one day training on policy framework, practical tools, procedures and functioning of municipal coordination mechanisms as per the Kosovo legal framework and Istanbul Convention for the Municipal Coordination Mechanisms (by the end of August, 2022).
  • Eight one-day training delivered to the members of the mentioned four Municipal Coordination Mechanisms as per the agreed plan (by the end of October, 2022).
  • Final Guidebook on mandate and policy framework with the practical tools on procedures and functioning of the MCMDVs in Kosovo (by mid-November 2022)

Method of delivery: in person, unless new COVID-19 restrictions are in place. In that case, the meetings, workshops, and training will be delivered online.

Communication with the Mission will be conducted in English throughout the consultancy period. All deliverables should be drafted and submitted to the Mission in English language.

Performance Indicators:

The consultant’s work will be assessed on the following basis:

  • Timely conduction of the desk research of Kosovo legal framework, municipal mechanisms, strategy and action plan on preventing domestic violence in coordination with the Project Manager (by the end of May).
  • Timely preparation, organization and delivery of a validation workshop for the assessment of satisfactory quality as agreed with the Project Manager.
  • Quality and timely delivery of the assessment of mandate, policy framework, roles, responsibilities and functioning of the four Municipal Coordination Mechanisms on Preventing Domestic Violence in Prishtinë/Priština, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica South, Mamuşa/ Mamushë/Mamuša and Gračanica/Graçanicë (by the end of June).
  • Timely preparation, organization and delivery of eight one-day training for four Municipal Coordination Mechanisms by the end of October of satisfactory quality as agreed with the Project Manager.
  • Quality and timely delivery of detailed guidebook on mandate with the practical tools on procedures and functioning of Municipal Coordination Mechanisms on Preventing Domestic Violence to in Kosovo. Initial draft to be prepared by the end of August and finalized by mid-November.

Necessary Qualifications:

  • Master’s Degree in social science, law, human rights or any other related field;
  • Proven 6 years of experience in human rights, with the particular focus on preventing and combating domestic and gender-based violence and violence against women in local and/or international organizations, institutions or non-governmental organizations;
  • Proven experience in conducting assessment of human rights policies, strategy documents and services supporting the victims of GBV/DV is required;
  • Proven experience in developing practical manuals, guidebooks for human rights practitioners;
  • Proven experience in conducting workshops and trainings for public servants, lawyers, human rights activists or similar;
  • Knowledge of local legal and policy framework on addressing GBV/DV is an advantage;
  • Professional experience in a multi-cultural setting;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Demonstrated ability and willingness to work as a member of a team, with people of different cultural and religious backgrounds, different gender, while maintaining impartiality and objectivity;
  • Fluency in English. Knowledge of Albanian language is required. Knowledge of Serbian language is an advantage.

Remuneration Package:

Remuneration will depend on the qualifications and experience of individual experts as well as the detailed work plan to be agreed upon and will be based on the current OSCE consultancy rates.

In order to apply for this position, you must complete the OSCE's online application form, found under Applicants are encouraged to use the online recruitment and only fully completed OSCE applications will be accepted. However, if you have technical difficulties with the system you may use the offline application form found under and forward the completed form quoting the vacancy number by e-mail to: [email protected]. In line with your qualifications please indicate your preference to one or more field of expertise listed above (while using the online application the field of expertise preference can be indicated in the cover letter part). Kindly note that applications received after the deadline, submitted in different formats than the OSCE Application Form or in other languages than the English language would not be considered. The OSCE is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce and encourages qualified females and male candidates from all national, religious, ethnic, and social backgrounds to apply.

Additional Information

  • Issued by: OSCE Mission in Kosovo
  • Requisition ID: OFF00004I
  • Contract Type: Special Service Agreement (SSA) / Consultant
  • Grade: No grade
  • Job Type: Consultant
  • Number of posts: one
  • Location: OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Prishtine / Pristina
  • Issue Date: Jun 6, 2022
  • Closing Date: Jun 20, 2022
  • Education Level: Master's Degree (Second-level university degree or equivalent)
  • Job Field: Human Rights
  • Target Start Date: 01/07/2022
Added 2 years ago - Updated 2 years ago - Source: