Gender Programme Associate
This is a UNV International Youth contract. This kind of contract is known as International UN Volunteer. It is normally internationally recruited only. More about UNV International Youth contracts.
The UNFPA Zimbabwe Gender programme supports efficient and effective GBV risk mitigation, prevention and response systems, and ensures availability and accessibility of essential multi sectoral GBV services, especially for girls and women, including in humanitarian settings. Specific interventions include: (a) advocacy for the development and implementation of gender responsive legislation, policy guidelines and strategies, and improved funding for reducing GBV; (b) improve knowledge of women and girls on life skills, gender-equitable norms, attitudes and behaviours, including sexuality and reproduction, self-confidence and self-esteem, and their capacity to adequately access GBV services; (c) enhance the capacity of national and subnational partners on GBV in emergencies preparedness; (d) support male engagement interventions on positive masculinities for the active involvement of men and boys to prevent and address gender-based violence; (e) strengthen the capacities of communities to ensure gender equality and increase the agency of women and girls; (f) strengthen the integrated essential services package on GBV within the health, judicial and other sectors, including ‘one-stop centres’, community shelters and safe spaces; (g) scale-up mobile and remote GBV essential service provision models in remote and hard-to-reach areas; and (h) scale-up partnership and coordination and cooperation with the Government, United Nations agencies and other key stakeholders for joint programming and improved coordination to address gender-based violence and early marriage.
Under the direct supervision of the Technical Specialist Gender Equality and GBV , the UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks: 1. Working with programme analyst Gender &GBV, come up with draft annual work plans in consultation with IPs, relevant country office colleagues and programme support unit then facilitate finalisation 2. Support review all implementing partner quarterly work plans and request for advanc-es in line with the signed annual work plans 3. Participate in reviewing partner quarterly reports checking accuracy and contribution to the Gender unit CPD commitments and assist in organising quarterly review meet-ings as part of monitoring in order to keep track of progress 4. Support visibility of UNFPA in implementing partner activities 5. Participate in field missions to support IP implementation of agreed work plan activities 6. Ensure linkages with other UNFPA programme areas i.e SRH, Adolescents and Youth and P&D in order to provide maximum benefit to survivors in line with country office programme 7. As part of the gender team, contribute to resource mobilisation efforts for GBV re-sponse 8. Participate in relevant internal and external meetings ensuring UNFPA mandate is well reflected and understood.
- Communication
- Creativity
- Integrity
- Professionalism
- Respect for Diversity
- Working in Teams
or demonstrated interest in Gender Based Violence prevention and response. • Good interpersonal, networking and communication skills; • Computer skills (i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, social media,) is required; knowledge of infographics development tools highly preferred; • Previous experience as a volunteer and/or experience of another culture, (i.e. studies, volunteer work, internship) would be highly regarded.
Zimbabwe is located in Southern Africa and has three seasons, cool and dry from May - Aug, hot and dry from Sep-Nov, warm and wet from Dec-Apr. The capital Harare lies at an altitude of 1450m above sea level. The middle plateau is Malaria free and prophylaxis is highly rec-ommended in low lying and hot areas. The currency in use is ZWL and all basic food and ac-cessories are available. There are public and private health facilities as well as many social amenities available in Harare.