UNV Health Officer - PPP

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UN RCO - United Nations Resident Coordinator Office

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Application deadline 2 months ago: Thursday 18 Apr 2024 at 00:00 UTC

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This is a UNV National Specialist contract. This kind of contract is known as National UN Volunteer. It is normally only for nationals. More about UNV National Specialist contracts.

In September 2017, The Government of Kenya announced at the UN General Assembly the establishment of the SDG Partnership Platform which seat at the office of the UN Resident Coordinators Office. The Platform has since received global recognition from the United Nations as one of three most promising practices to accelerate SDG financing and impact and became a flagship programme under Kenya’s new UN Development Assistance Framework 2018-2022 (UNDAF) and powers the new Strategic Enabler in the current UN Cooperation development Framework UNCDF 2022-2026.

The Platform convenes leadership from Government, UN, development partners, private sector, philanthropy, civil society, academia, and faith-based organizations to create SDG accelerator windows to catalyse public private partnerships, investments, and innovations to drive SDG impacts in alignment with Kenya’s “Big Four” agenda.

The Government of Kenya prioritized Universal Health Coverage in its “Big Four Action Plan” announced in January 2018. Over the course of the year, the Ministry of Health has led a consultative process resulting into the development of Kenya’s UHC roadmap to inform gradual UHC roll-out in the Country, therewith improving health and well-being of all million Kenyans.

Health financing is a critical enabler for the attainment of UHC in the Country. As Kenya climbs up the middle-income ladder, ODA support from traditional development partners is shrinking. More resources need to be mobilized through new partnerships with the private sector, philanthropy, civil society, faith-based-organisations and other key stakeholders.

In the meantime, and just as mobile payments have transformed Kenyan markets, tech-innovations in the health sector— from artificial intelligence algorithms that predict disease outbreaks and accelerate disease diagnosis; telemedicine to ease care; to technology optimizing interoperability between health information systems to create dashboards for informed health policy decision making— all have potential to help strengthen the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of the health sector.

The Ministry of Health, with support of the SDG Partnership Platform, would therefore like to engage in opportunities for advancing public private partnerships to advance its UHC agenda.

Under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Health Head of Planning, and the Founding Coordinator of the UN SDG Partnership Platform, and in close consultation of the SDGPP PHC Window Coordinator, the UNV will support the Ministry of Health in the following: -Support coordination of relevant assessments to inform the formulation of the MOH Health PPP strategy and toolkit in Kenya. -Support coordination of an inclusive and consultative process to develop the MOH Health PPP strategy and toolkit in Kenya. -Support coordination of training and capacity building of national and county government representatives in the use of the health PPP toolkit -Review Health PPP concept notes submitted by MOH Headquarters and County Governments and provide guidance on appropriate actions. -Support communications with National and County Governments related to Health PPP policy, processes, and practice. -Support organization of MOH Health PPP workshops, meetings, and other events. -Any other PPP related duties assigned by the Ministry of Health -The UNV will report to the Director of Planning at the Central Planning and Project Monitoring Department, State Department of Medical Services -The UNV will also report to the Founding Coordinator of the SDG Partnership Platform at United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office

Further the UN Volunteers are required to: •Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities (for instance in events that mark International Volunteer Day). •Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country. •Reflect on the type and quality of voluntary action that they are undertaking, including participation in ongoing reflection activities. •Contribute articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc. •Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly arrived UN Volunteers. •Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering or encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible.

•Accountability •Adaptability and flexibility •Creativity •Judgement and decision-making •Planning and organizing •Professionalism •Self-management

public private partnerships for Health a distinct asset •Experience in development of strategic plans and workplans •Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation •Experience in program/project management an asset •Good understanding of the political, social-economic, and cultural setting s/he will be operating in is highly desirable.
•Excellent interpersonal communication skills, writing ability and administrative skills. •Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams. •Excellent report writing skills.

The Republic of Kenya is an equatorial nation on the coast of East Africa, neighboring Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, and the Indian Ocean. Kenya has two levels of Government; National Government and 47 sub-national Governments called Counties. Counties are further divided into sub-counties. Kenya is a multi-party state with Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Kenya’s population of more than 40 million is growing at an annual rate of 2.2%. The country’s GNP per capita estimated at purchasing power parity (PPP) is $975, and the GNP is growing at an average rate of 0.1% annually. More than 26% of Kenya’s people live below the international poverty line of $1 per day. Kenya’s main food crops are “maize, wheat, pulses, roots and tubers.” (FAO).

Nairobi is a modern metropolitan city where most basic goods and services, health facilities, public transport, telecommunication and banking services and educational facilities are readily available. The city is widely connected through its main airport, Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and the smaller Wilson Airport. Air transport is also available to many up-country destinations. The city is home to some 3,000 UN personnel mainly attributed to the fact that it serves as the headquarters for both the UN HABITAT and UNEP.

The socio-economic and cultural background of the immediate society the UNV would be living and working in is diverse and prevailing security conditions at the place of assignment is modest. The topographic and climatic features of the assignment location is highland cool and warm tropical climate.

Link to the Entitlement Calculator: https://app.unv.org/calculator.

Added 2 months ago - Updated 2 months ago - Source: unv.org