Terminal Evaluation (Individual Consultant)

This opening expired 1 year ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

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Application deadline 1 year ago: Tuesday 6 Sep 2022 at 23:59 UTC

Open application form


This is a National Consultant contract. More about National Consultant contracts.


Project Description and Background

The Philippines is known to have vast and rich natural resources. These vast resources provide the vital ecosystem goods and services for the benefit of the Filipino people. However, the country is also faced with challenges and environmental problems. In response to the growing environmental concerns and issues of the country, the DENR whose mandate is to protect, conserve and sustainably manage the country’s environment and natural resources has identified 10 priority programs that are meant to address these challenges These 10 priority programs include the: (i) enhanced National Greening Programme; (ii) clean air; (iii) clean water; (iv) Solid Waste Management; (v) enhanced biodiversity conservation; (vi) intensified forest protection; (vii) scaling-up coastal and marine ecosystem management; (viii) improved land administration and management; (ix) geo-hazard, groundwater assessment and responsible mining; and (x) Manila Day Clean-Up. Recognizing the compounding impacts of climate change on environmental degradation, DENR has also embarked on strengthening its climate change-related interventions. To note, DENR sits as the Chair of the Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction (CCAM-DRR) and has led the development of the Cluster’s Road Map. Efficient implementation of these programs however, is hampered with procurement and administrative bottlenecks.

Another concern is the big volume of data and information collected from these programmes. Agencies within the Department have established their own information management systems to inform sectoral planning and decision making. The establishment of an integrated information management system within DENR which can handle big data and perform data analytics for more efficient management, that is up to date, and easily accessible to both decision makers and the public has been identified as a priority.

The Project will address the above barriers through a DENR-UNDP partnership which will enable the DENR to utilize the streamlined procedures of the UNDP to deliver on its selected priority programmes, mobilization of technical expertise, capacity building of DENR staff, and setting up of the integrated information system for ENR.

This project aims to contribute towards enhancing and increasing efficiency of implementing the 10 priority programs of the DENR through technical advisory to strengthen DENR’s capacities including its field offices and addressing administrative bottlenecks. The Project has two outputs:

Output 1: Strengthened capacities of DENR in planning, management, implementing and monitoring and evaluation of its 10 priority programs and other special projects through technical advisory and operational support services and;

Output 2. Enhanced database and monitoring support system of ENR data as decision support tool for policy and program development, review, implementation and monitoring.

Duties and Responsibilities

C. Objective and Scope of Work

With the operational closure of Support to DENR Program Implementation, Monitoring and Management of ENR Data and Information in December 2022, UNDP will engage a competent service provider to carry out the Project’s terminal evaluation. The activity is a mandatory exercise for all UNDP-implemented projects and is one of activities stipulated in the Project Document between DENR and UNDP.

The terminal evaluation seeks to assess the overall performance of the Project vis-à-vis its identified targets and objectives. The results will be used by UNDP and DENR to enhance: (i) the implementation of National Accelerated Modality (NAM) programs/initiatives; and (ii) programming of future interventions on information systems and implementation of 10 priority programmes of the Department.

The objectives are to:

  1. Assess Support to ENR’s performance relative to its objectives and targets as stated in reference documents including, but not limited to:
  • Project Document
  • Theory of Change/Logical Framework/Results Framework
  • Annual Work Plans
  • Progress Reports
  1. Assess the appropriateness of the program’s overall/per component implementation framework, methodologies, and strategies in achieving the set objectives, outputs, and results as well as in putting in place models or practices which the government, communities, and other stakeholders could adopt;
  2. Assess the effectiveness and efficiency in the use of program resources to meet target outputs and results, taking into consideration the principle of value for money;
  3. Analyze factors including the project management/operational setup and its degree of influence in the achievement or non-achievement of target outputs and results;
  4. Assess the relevance and effectiveness of the program’s partnerships and other implementation strategies and highlight which among these methodologies and approaches could be sustained or replicated by government agencies, communities, and other stakeholders;
  5. Determine capacities, processes, and products developed and the level of participation/degree of ownership of stakeholders in the achievement of the outputs and results;
  6. Document and draw up lessons learned, good, replicable and/or innovative practices, cross-cutting issues (e.g. gender mainstreaming, human rights, DRRM, resiliency building, beneficiary selection, stakeholder participation, etc.) and recommendations on appropriate project strategies to improve future programming;
  7. Put forward some policy and program recommendations to UNDP as direct implementer of the project;
  8. Make recommendations to DENR to support future programming; and
  9. Provide recommendations on how to effectively and efficiently implement a NAM Project.

D. Evaluation Approach and Methodology

The TE report must provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful.

The TE consultant will review all relevant sources of information including documents prepared during the preparation phase, i.e., the Project Document and project reports, and any other materials that the team considers useful for this evidence-based evaluation.

The TE team is expected to follow a participatory and consultative approach ensuring close engagement with the Country Office Programme Team, government counterparts, i.e., the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Knowledge and Information System Services (DENR-KISS), concerned units of DENR Central Office and other DENR Bureaus, direct beneficiaries and other stakeholders.

Engagement of stakeholders is vital to a successful TE. Stakeholder involvement should include interviews with stakeholders who have project responsibilities, including but not limited to; executing agencies, senior officials and task team/component leaders, key experts and consultants in the subject area, Project Board, project beneficiaries, academia, local government and CSOs, etc. Additionally, the TE consultant is might be expected to conduct consultation meetings with DENR Regional offices.

The specific design and methodology for the TE should emerge from consultations between the TE consultant and the above-mentioned parties regarding what is appropriate and feasible for meeting the TE purpose and objectives and answering the evaluation questions, given limitations of budget, time and data. The TE consultant must use gender-responsive methodologies and tools and ensure that gender equality and women’s empowerment, as well as other cross-cutting issues and SDGs are incorporated into the TE report.

The final methodological approach including interview schedule, field visits and data to be used in the evaluation must be clearly outlined in the TE Inception Report and be fully discussed and agreed between UNDP, stakeholders and the TE consultant.

The final report must describe the full TE approach taken and the rationale for the approach making explicit the underlying assumptions, challenges, strengths and weaknesses about the methods and approach of the evaluation.

The TE report will include an Evaluation Ratings Table, as shown below:

ToR Table 2: Evaluation Ratings Table for Support to DENR Program Implementation, Monitoring and Management of ENR Data and Information or DENR ENR

Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)


M&E design at entry

M&E Plan Implementation

Overall Quality of M&E

Implementation & Execution


Quality of UNDP Implementation/Oversight

Quality of Implementing Partner Execution

Overall quality of Implementation/Execution

Assessment of Outcomes





Overall Project Outcome Rating

  • Rating

Financial resources


Institutional framework and governance


Overall Likelihood of Sustainability

E. Timeframe

The total duration of the TE will be approximately 25 days over a time period of 2 months starting on 10 September 2022. The tentative TE timeframe is as follows:



01 September 2022

Application closes

09 September 2022

Selection of TE Consultant

12 September 2022

Preparation period for TE consultant (handover of documentation)

15 September 2022 (3 days)

Document review and preparation of TE Inception Report

22 September (2 days)

Finalization and Validation of TE Inception Report; latest start of TE mission

07 October 2022 (12 days)

TE mission: stakeholder meetings, interviews, field visits, etc.

10 October 2022

Mission wrap-up meeting & presentation of initial findings; earliest end of TE mission

11 October 2022 (5 days)

Preparation of draft TE report

18 October 2022

Circulation of draft TE report for comments

21 October 2022 (3 days)

Incorporation of comments on draft TE report into Audit Trail & finalization of TE report

26 October 2022

Preparation and Issuance of Management Response

28 October 2022

Concluding Stakeholder Workshop (optional)

31 October 2022

Expected date of full TE completion

F. Expected Outputs and Deliverables

  • Evaluation Inception Report. To be submitted within a week from the official start of engagement (i.e., issuance of Notice to Proceed), outlining the framework of analysis, schedule of activities/tasks/ milestones/deliverables, responsibilities of team members (in the case of an Institutional Contractor), and evaluation matrix using the format below:

Relevant Evaluation Criteria

Key Questions

Assumptions to be Assessed

Specific Sub-Questions

Data Sources

Data Collection Methods/ Tools

Indicators/ Success Standard

Methods for Data Analysis

  • PowerPoint Presentation. To be presented three (3) days after end of evaluation mission and will highlight actual coverage of mission, initial findings, additional requirements (if any) and next steps.

  • Draft Evaluation Report and PowerPoint Presentation. The document will be circulated to Project stakeholders for review and comments. The draft report may be subjected to several revisions, as needed. An evaluation report audit trail will be required to document all sections with comments and the corresponding response or actions taken by the Evaluator. The PowerPoint presentation shall contain the highlights of the report.

Report audit trail

Author and Date of Submission

Comment Number

Paragraph Number/ Comment Location

Comment/ feedback on the draft report

Evaluator response and actions taken

  • Final Evaluation Report and PowerPoint Presentation. The outline of the report should be based on the guidelines provided under Annex 7 (Evaluation Report Template and Quality Standards) of the UNDP PME Handbook. The PowerPoint presentation shall contain the highlights of the report.

The Evaluator is also expected to turn over to UNDP all materials related to the evaluation exercise (i.e., raw and processed data, pictures, list of respondents and written/signed consents).


Estimated Duration to Complete

Target Due Dates

Review and Approvals Required

Name & Email address of designated person who will review and accept output

Submission and acceptance of inception report

5 days

22 September 2022

Team Leader, Climate Action Programme Team, UNDP


Undersecretary for Finance, Climate Change and Information Systems, DENR

Director, Knowledge and Information Systems Service (KISS)

Floradema C. Eleazar

CAPT Team Leader

Atty. Analiza Rebuelta-Teh

USEC For Finance, Climate Change and Information Systems

Maria Elena Morallos-Manila

Director, KISS

Upon presentation of evaluation highlights

And Upon submission of draft evaluation report and issuance of the certificate of acceptance

17 days

10 October 2022

Upon submission of final evaluation report, other related documents, and issuance of the certificate of acceptance

3 days

31 October 2022

25 days

  1. Institutional Arrangement
  • For the duration of the contract, the Consultant shall work under the supervision of the Climate Action Team, headed by the Team Leader, ably assisted by the Programme Analyst, and will provide technical inputs and approve the outputs of the consultant.

All reports, and materials shall be the property of UNDP and DENR.

  1. Duration of Work
  • To undertake the tasks and deliver the expected outputs, the consultant shall be engaged for a period of 25 working days spread over 2 months (12 September 2022 to 11 November 2022)
  • Effectivity of the engagement will be upon signing of the contract and will be valid until all outputs have been delivered and accepted.
  • A period of one (1) week will be the estimated lead time for UNDP or Project Implementing Partners to review outputs, give comments, certify approval / acceptance of outputs, etc.
  1. Duty Station
  • The duty station is in Manila, Philippines.
  • If local travel is not permitted due to travel restrictions, the consultant is required to do the work online, including spearheading consultations and meetings.
  • In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and declaration of State of Public Health Emergency in the Philippines, all work and travel of the Individual consultant shall be done within the guidelines and protocols set by the local and national government
  • The Consultant will not be required to report to office regularly but status report on the outputs shall be expected from time to time.


Corporate Competencies

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN mission, vision, values, and ethical standards
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Promotes UNDP's agenda in meetings

Other Competencies

  • Ability to work in close collaboration with a group of national and international experts, to meet strict deadlines and plan the work according to priorities;
  • Demonstrates capacity to plan, organize, and execute effectively;
  • The initiative, good analytical skills, mature judgment, and ability to work under tight schedule while respecting deadlines achievement, ethics, and honesty;
  • Ability to establish effective working relations in a diverse environment
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Builds strong relationships with internal and external clients;
  • Demonstrated ability to function in a team environment and to deal with a complex multi-stakeholder environment
  • Good ability to use information and communication technologies as tools and resources;

Excellent written communication and presentation/public speaking skills focus on results, ability to interact productively in a teamwork environment.

Required Skills and Experience

  1. Qualification of the Consultant

For the evaluation of the CV and portfolio, the selection of the successful consultant will be based on the following qualifications. Only offerors who will obtain a minimum of 70% or 49 out of 70 obtainable points will be shortlisted and qualify for evaluation of financial proposal.


Points Obtainable (70 points)


Master’s degree in Development Management, Public Administration, Environmental Management, Economics, Social Sciences, Community Development or equivalent educational experience

(7 points for Master’s Degree; 10 points for Doctoral)

10 points


At least ten (10) years of progressively responsible experience in development research, evaluation of development projects, or project management in the areas related to climate change and biodiversity conservation, information systems.

(18 points for 10 years, +1 point for additional year)

At least 5 years knowledge and experience in the application of monitoring and evaluation methods for development projects; experience in conducting terminal evaluation, specially UNDP-managed projects, an advantage

(18 points for 5 years, +1 point for additional year, +3 points for UNDP experience, maximum of 25points);

25 points

25 points

Fluency in the English language and proven ability to write high-quality technical reports (Evaluator will be required to provide work samples)

10 points


70 points

  1. Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer and qualifications of successful candidate

The Offers received will be evaluated using a combined scoring method - where technical proposal will be weighted 70 points and combined with the price offer which will be weighted 30 points.

The CV and portfolio will be reviewed using the criteria in the table below. Only offerors who will obtain a minimum of 70% or 49 out of 70 obtainable points will be shortlisted and qualify for evaluation of financial proposal.

  1. Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments

The proposed contract price is based on a lump sum amount paid all-inclusive for the actual professional services (indicate daily fee X number of working days), communications, supplies, etc. Payment will be made in installments based on UNDP’s acceptance of the following milestones/outputs

% of the Contract Fee

Deliverables/ Outputs

Target Due Dates


20% of the total contract amount

Upon submission and acceptance of Inception report

22 September 2022

40% of total contract amount

Upon submission and acceptance of evaluation highlight and draft inception report

10 October 2022

40% of the total contract amount

Upon submission and acceptance of final terminal evaluation report

31 October 2022

Medical/health insurance must be purchased by the individual at his/her own expense, and upon award of contract, the consultant must be ready to submit proof of insurance valid during contract duration.

Recommended Presentation of Offer:

  1. Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;

  2. Curriculum Vitae, indicating all past experiences from similar projects, to prove criteria cited in technical qualification. The applicant must indicate specifically his/her role in the aforementioned experiences, e.g, Team leader, team member, Lead researcher, etc. below is a proposed format to be provided, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the candidate and at least three (3) professional references;

Activity Conducted/ Project Name

Date Completed

Role in Activity

Client for whom output is intended

e.g. CLUP development for LGU x

Dec. 2016

Team Lead


  1. Sample works on Terminal Evaluation Report

  2. Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided.

Offerors must upload in one (1) file the documents mentioned above.

Templates for a) P11 Personal History Form and b) Offeror's Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability and Financial Proposal (Annex 2) are available through the link below. UNDP General Terms and Conditions for Individual Contractors are also available:


Incomplete submission of required documents may result in disqualification.

Please see the deadline of submissions above.

Because of the volume of applications UNDP receives, only shortlisted offerors will be notified.

Added 1 year ago - Updated 1 year ago - Source: jobs.undp.org