Technical advisor in climate change and project development

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UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme

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Application deadline 1 month ago: Monday 27 May 2024 at 03:59 UTC

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Result of Service

Output 1. Support the implementation of the NDC Partnership in the Latin American and Caribbean region by preparing and monitoring PAF-funded projects and initiatives. Product No.1 • A UN-to-UN Agreement between UNOPS and UNEP to officially launch the implementation of the PAF Bolivia project (PAF23Q4-BOL-UNEP-003). • A compilation proposals of the terms of reference of the technical team accountable for the implementation of the PAF Bolivia project (PAF23Q4-BOL-UNEP-003). This includes the terms of reference of the National Project Manager and four sectoral specialists responsible for preparing the NDC implementation map for four prioritized sectors. Product No.2 • A narrative and Financial Report that showcases the implementation status of the PAF Bolivia project (PAF23Q4-BOL-UNEP-003), highlighting the challenges encountered throughout the execution and relevant lessons learnt for current and future implementation of similar projects. The documentation of the implementation phase will promote the learning and accountability and is aimed to be a source of evidence-based information to better support the countries in the region to access to funds to fast-tracking the implementation of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Output 2. Support the implementation of the CBIT-GSP program by organizing virtual and in-person events aimed at increasing the technical and operational capacities of public officials from Latin America and the Caribbean relevant for the compliance of the Enhanced Transparency Framework in terms of adaptation monitoring and evaluation and by proving the technical support Product No.3 • A Report of at least one virtual or in-person workshop conducted to strengthen capacities related to identifying, systematizing, and reporting losses and damages in Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as defining the institutional, technical, and operational requirements to do so. This webinar is part of a series of events to consolidate a community of practice in the frame of CBIT´s Global Support Programme and EUROCLIMA+ mission to improve transparency and accountability of climate policy and the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). This report will include The presentations conducted, the agenda, and the list of participants disaggregated by gender to promote inclusivity and diversity. Additionally, the report should consist of a summary of each presentation or session conducted during the event, a satisfaction survey within the report to gather feedback from participants regarding their experience at the capacity-building workshop, and a summary of the overall outcomes and critical insights gained from the workshop. Product No. 4 • A revised version of at least one Biennal Transparency Report from a country in Latin America and the Caribbean providing technical assessment of the compliance with the Enhanced Transparency Framework for the adaptation component and recommendations to improve reporting. This technical review is part of the collaborative effort to support the countries in the submission of the first BTR and consolidate a community of practice in the frame of CBIT´s Global Support Programme. Output 3. Support the design and implementation of climate-related projects in the region to increase the financial and operational capacities of Latin America and the Caribbean countries to comply with mitigation and adaptation goals included in national-level planning instruments, such as NDC, LTS, and National Adaptation plans. Product No. 5 • A report summarizing the implementation status of a PPF request to support the elaboration of a funding proposal to mainstream climate change into the subnational planning scheme and the public investment and expenditure processes and to increase the climate resilience of vulnerable communities in the District of Capira in Panama. Specific tasks and responsibilities The technical advisor in climate change and project development will promote climate transparency in Latin American and Caribbean countries through the following activities: 1. Collaborate with the formulation of project proposals for Euroclima+ (Transparency Outcome), the Green Climate Fund (GCF), The Global Environmental Facility (GEF), and the ‘NDC Partnership,’ to support countries in the development of capacities related to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and Long-Term Strategies (LTS) implementation, climate financing, information systems, data management, innovative digital solutions, market-based instruments, and transparency. Specifically, it is expected to contribute to implementing at least one GCF PPF request for a Latin American country aligned to the thematic sectors funded by EUROCLIMA+: forests, energy, urban water, risk management, urban mobility, and food security. 2. Generate peer-to-peer exchanges and cooperation activities, including the preparation and launching of virtual or in-person workshops aimed at strengthening capacities related to adaptation and loss and damage in Latin American countries to improve transparency and accountability of climate policy and the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and other national climate change goal and commitments. 3. Provide technical guidance for elaborating the Biennal Transparency report for Latin America and the Caribbean countries. 4. Contribute to executing approved transparency projects to reinforce capacities for NDCs effective implementation and Article 6 compliance by developing and revising terms of reference, preparing bidding packages, revising technical products, and creating progress reports. 5. Develop and deliver technical inputs for the continuous update of the Transparency pathways report- funded by EUROCLIMA+- part of the Latin America UNEP’s Climate Ambition and Transparency team mission to perform technical analysis of transparency and climate ambition policies and actions for the formulation, implementation, and adequate updating of the NDCs and LTS in the Latin American and Caribbean region. 6. Provide efficient guidance for implementing the Readiness Carbon Markets and Article 6. Project (GCF) with technical knowledge, reporting to the GCF, and successful development of the deliverables. 7. Contribute to implementing transparency-oriented workshops or meetings with national government counterparts and other stakeholders when necessary. 8. Carry out, when necessary, the interviews or generation of information necessary to develop the mentioned activities and deliverables. 9. Collaborate to ensure coordination with relevant national institutions and government agencies to guarantee that project activities are distinct and entirely complementary to other national initiatives. 10. Provide accurate and up-to-date technical advice, inputs, and guidance on issues related to transparency issues for transparency projects.

Work Location


Expected duration


Duties and Responsibilities

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system, and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. The UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LACO), located in Panama City, Panama, works closely with the 33 countries of the region, and its activities are integrated into the Medium-Term Strategy and the Programme of Work approved by the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). In 2015, the world endorsed the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These historic accords presented countries with an unprecedented opportunity to align climate plans and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to spur economic growth and improve the livelihoods of all people. To signal their commitments to the Paris Agreement, nations submit their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)— each country's strategy to cut its greenhouse gas emissions and build resiliency against the adverse effects of a changing climate — on a cycle every five years. Launched in 2016 at COP22 in Marrakesh, the NDC Partnership was founded on the idea that technical assistance, expertise, and financing for climate action were not being deployed in a practical or coordinated way to maximize efforts toward achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs and that more excellent support was urgently needed. In response, the NDC Partnership was established to facilitate collaboration between country governments, international institutions, non-state actors, and other partners to provide timely support for accelerated climate action. While the Partnership’s model of collective action catalyzes immediate support, there are instances when countries’ requests for climate action go unanswered. The need for a flexible and fast mechanism to deploy support is evident. To meet this need, the NDC Partnership launched the Partnership Action Fund (PAF) at COP26. PAF supports developing Country Members in fast-tracking the implementation of their NDCs by bridging gaps in support. PAF has a current capitalization of USD 46.46 million until 2025. These resources are deployed to supplement existing support or respond to unsupported requests only once members have responded with their resources and programs. By pooling funds and making them more readily available, the PAF ensures countries have better access to technical and financial resources and the widest possible range of Partnership members can respond rapidly to the needs of developing Country Members. Furthermore, in 2018, The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) signed an agreement with UNEP to support critical environmental issues such as climate action, resilience to disasters and conflicts, healthy ecosystems, waste and air quality, and sustainable consumption and production. In this sense, as part of the support provided through SIDA cooperation, the development and implementation of National Determined Contributions (NDC) and Long-Term Strategies (LTS) has been identified as one of the major work areas in the following years. Based on the above, the purpose of this consultancy is to support the Climate Change Unit in delivering the mission of the NDC partnership through the PAF, specifically in Bolivia, where UNEP was recently selected as the delivery partner of a PAF request, as well as to provide technical support to the Latin American and Caribbean countries in developing capacities to incorporate climate change into public and private national agendas to increase their ambition and resilience, in line with the Paris Agreement (PA) and the Long-Term Strategies (LTS). This includes supporting the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency - Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP), which is a five-year global climate transparency project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and executed by the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (UNEP-CCC) and supporting countries requests to develop climate change projects and initiatives funded by international funds such as the NDC partnership, the Green Climate Fund and the GEF. On the one hand, the CBIT-GSP aims to support developing countries in transitioning to the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and its Biennial Transparency Reports under the Paris Agreement. Hence, this consultancy will assist its mission in Latin America and the Caribbean by supporting the organization of virtual and in-person events and providing technical support to countries in revising drafts of the Biennial Transparency Reports due December 2024. On the other hand, developing climate change projects aimed at improving the transparency systems in the region is one of the missions of the UNEP LACO climate change unit. Hence, this consultancy will support countries in designing and formulating projects and initiatives related to climate change mainstreaming in planning, regulatory, financial, and monitoring frameworks. Aligned with the UNEP Medium Term Strategy (2022-2025), incorporate climate change criteria into public financing and investment systems and processes and develop innovative market-based financial instruments to improve the alignment of public funding with climate change priorities and urgencies is part of the strategic activities for climate action to ensure that, by 2030, “governmental and non-governmental development actions are compatible with the long-term mitigation and resilience goals of the Paris Agreement.” Specifically, training and facilitation of access to financing and knowledge development contribute directly to result number 2: Countries and stakeholders have increased capacity, financing, and access technologies to meet adaptation and mitigation goals.” In this sense, UNEP`s LACO Climate Change Unit is recruiting a technical consultant on climate change and project development to mainstream these topics in the unit’s work, projects, and initiatives, assist in the implementation of the NDC Partnership, support the implementation of the CBIT-GSP program and support the design and implementation of climate-related projects in the region. The incumbent will be supervised by UNEP’s Energy Efficiency Programme Management Officer of the Climate Change Unit for the Latin American and Caribbean Office and will work home-based. The consultant is expected to have relevant knowledge about climate change processes, projects, or public policy and experience with multilateral climate funds so that he or she can support the Transparency and Climate Ambition team to offer advice to the relevant national authorities and can fully lead the development of the expected deliverables.

Qualifications/special skills

ACADEMIC: - Bachelor´s degree in environmental sciences, biology, engineering, economics, political sciences, public policy, natural sciences, international cooperation, or areas related to climate change, sustainability, or national development is required. - Master’s degree in environmental sciences, engineering, economics, political sciences, public policy, natural sciences, international cooperation, or areas related to climate change, sustainability, or national development is required. PROFESSIONAL: - At least five (5) years of experience in environment and/or climate change is required. - At least three (3) years of specific work experience in developing climate change projects (mitigation or adaptation) for multilateral funds, including GCF, is desirable. - Experience in the development and/or implementation of climate change projects and relation with national governments in the LAC region is desirable. LANGUAGE: - Fluent in Spanish (required) - Fluent in English (required) SKILLS: PROFESSIONALISM - Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability. - Excellent understanding of global and national climate change commitments. - Knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts, and approaches relevant to climate change mitigation and adaptation planning. - Ability to identify, analyze, and participate in resolving issues/problems. - Ability to apply judgment in the context of assignments given, plan own work, and manage conflicting priorities. - Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter. - Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines, and achieving results. - Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns. - Shows persistence when faced with complex problems or challenges. - Remains calm in stressful situations. TEAMWORK - Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals. - Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise. - Is willing to learn from others; supports and acts in accordance with a final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect one’s position. - Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings. PLANNING AND ORGANIZING - Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies. - Identifies priority activities and assignments. - Adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate time and resources for completing work. - Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning. - Monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary.


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Added 1 month ago - Updated 1 month ago - Source: