Support with the designing of volunteer mobilization brochures

This opening expired 3 years ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

Application deadline 3 years ago: Sunday 11 Apr 2021 at 05:00 UTC

Open application form


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Informing UN partners about onsite UN Volunteer mobilization through info-graphics and brochures are most user- and time-friendly way. I am looking for a volunteer with high design skills who can contribute with innovative ideas and new age visibility tools on the development of one-page informative brochures. The expected deliverables are designing simple steps and briefing mandatory steps with attractive visibility tools. In short, transfer the paragraphs in a attractive visibility tool. In total, it is expected to be designed 3 or 5 one-page brochures.

  • Art and design
  • Communication, mass media and art

    We have continuous contact with the Host Agencies of serving UN Volunteers. Attractive and brief informative brochures will help our UN partners to understand the necessary steps on the recruitment of onsite UN Volunteers. Colorful, brief and practical shapes will help us to increase visibility while it makes the process easy to understand and enjoyable.

  • Volunteers: 3 needed

  • 6-10 hours per week / 2 weeks

    In total, it is expected to be designed 3 or 5 one-page brochures in English. Therefore, very good knowledge of photoshop, indesign or related programme is mandatory. Fluency in English is a must. It is expected to have a volunteer who has a high design skills, innovative ideas and be creative. An experience as an onsite UN Volunteer assignment is an asset for this online volunteer opportunity.

  • Europe

  • English
Added 3 years ago - Updated 3 years ago - Source: