Project Coordinator for the GCF Readiness

This opening expired 2 years ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme

Open positions at UNEP
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Application deadline 2 years ago: Sunday 17 Jul 2022 at 23:59 UTC

Open application form

Result of Service 2. Objective

The purpose of this consultancy is to perform the project coordination of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness project “Resilient Recovery Rapid Readiness Support in Honduras” whose main objective is to aid the country’s Special Cabinet for Reconstruction and Recovery to develop the investment plan for the national strategy for reconstruction and recovery, taking into consideration the COVID-19 consequences and the impacts of the ETA and IOTA hurricanes. The consultant will join the Climate Change Unit of the UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office under the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) of the GCF Readiness project and will have the following main duties and responsibilities, but are not limited to: - Manage the implementation of the project by: o Coordinating the project in close coordination with the Project Steering Committee (PSC). The PSC is the body that provides oversight and guidance to the project implementation; it is composed of the Honduras NDA (co-chair), UNEP (co-chair), the Secretariat in charge of the general coordination of public administration (SCGG, by its initials in Spanish) and members of the Taskforce of the SCGG. The PSC directly coordinates with the Special Cabinet for Economic and Social Reactivation (GES) in order to provide additional insights into the Plan for Reconstruction and Sustainable Development (PRDS), as well as linkages with the Green Recovery project activities; o Ensuring effective management of the project by maintaining delivery of proper technical, operational, financial, and administrative outputs, while tracking the project progress through monitoring, evaluation and reporting; o Supporting the reviewing implementation on a periodical manner and provide suggestions on course corrections; o Maintaining collaborative working relationships among key project partners and donors, through effective communication, consultation, and reporting; o Monitoring the progress of implementation of project activities and key event schedules observing work-plans and set deadlines including monitoring of the financial resources and accounting to ensure accuracy and reliability of financial reports; o Preparing project progress reports (progress against planned activities, update on risks issues, expenditures, etc.) and ensuring timely submission of the reports to the relevant instances. o Provide technical inputs on all completed deliverables to be submitted and accepted , ensuring high quality, and satisfactory management and use of GCF/UNEP resources.

- Manage the Technical Team (TT) in close coordination with the Programme Management Officer and theproject’s PSC: o The Technical Team (TT), which will be established for the conceptual as well as technical development of deliverables. The TT will be responsible for the overall technical implementation of the project. The TT will be formed by sub-contracted individual consultants under guidance of UNEP and close supervision by the Honduras NDA; o Coordinating the TT activities, and ouputs of its deliverables (GEM, investment plan, prefeasibility studies, and concept note), timely and in due form. o Supporting the TT to gather qualitative and quantitative data; o Provide technical inputs on deliverables developed by the TT, to be submitted for approval.. - Provide technical and political advise to ensure national and international stakeholders engagement during the project implementation by: o Providing technical and political advise, specifically to the members of the PSC (SCGG, GES, and NDA). o Providing strategic engagement with high-level government officials and other key stakeholders at the national and international level to ensure technical relevance and country ownership; o Communicating clearly and concise the project findings to PSC, high-level and mid-senior level management, and other key stakeholders at the national and international level; o Advising on strategic interventions for targeted and impactful response; o Assisting in several project related activities may include (but not limited to) planning for meetings, local and national consultations, trips and other project related activities, as assigned by the authorities; o Ensuring that project components and deliverables are closely aligned to supporting the integration of climate change policies into the national strategy for reconstruction and recovery. This will involve ensuring close working relationships with key stakeholders, including the Minister of Environment and the members of the Special Cabinet for Economic and Social Reactivation (GES): ¿ The Secretariat in charge of the general coordination of public administration (SCGG), as a Chair ¿ The Central Bank of Honduras ¿ The Secretary of the Office of the President (SDP) ¿ The Secretary of Development and Social Inclusion (SEDIS) ¿ The Secretary of Economic Development (SDE) ¿ The Secretary of Finance (SEFIN) ¿ The National Commission of Banks and Insurance (CNBS) ¿ The Revenue Administration Service (SAR)

o Becoming familiar with the existing inter-institutional agreements and facilitate collaborative and consultative liaison with government, public and/or private institutions, and other related stakeholders to ensure their involvement in the delivery of the project results, while ensuring gender equality and fostering the participation of most vulnerable groups. o Managing stakeholder consultation processes to validate activities and project results. o Undertaking workshops to validate priority measures, the policy scenarios, and the investment outcomes. o Supporting budget and procurement planning; o Maintaining effective communication with project partners and stakeholders to disseminate the results, as well as facilitate inputs from stakeholder representatives as project partners; o Following any other duties as delegated by the Programme Management Officer for Climate Finance . The consultant will undertake the following activities as well: Lead, plan, manage, and coordinate output 2.2.1: Impact on and opportunities for country’s climate change strategies and plans as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic is elaborated and validated by the Honduras NDA. The consultant will: - undertake the preliminary steps to coordinate the project’s governance by forming the PSC and structuring and developing the PCU and the PSC governance procedures. - identify and contact the key entities and authorities to structure the PCU and the PSC. - support the TT for the development of an evidence-based analysis for sector-based approach, using the Green Economy Model (GEM), customized to Honduras COVID-19 and recovery from hurricanes context; - support the desk analysis of the impacts of COVID19 and economic stimulus measures on the climate change strategies and plans; - support in data collection and materials required for the GEM, and will plan how the government counterparts could provide access to the information; - support the TT and the PCU in the validation and consistency check of cross sectoral and macroeconomics data with corresponding government officials for integration in the GEM support the TT in the literature review regarding prioritized measures and economic sectors, including macroeconomic context; - support the TT in the data collection based on a “data wish list” document co-developed with the guidance of the UNEP´s modelling experts. - support the TT in the creation of simulations, via the review and validation of model results, for all scenarios simulated with GEM. - undertake stakeholder interviews and meetings on opportunities for aligning the country’s climate change agenda with the economic recovery agenda; - lead the stakeholder consultations to identify concrete measures (regulatory, fiscal, financing/ investment, etc. by critical sectors and regions of the country) related to identified opportunities that can lead to the identification of concrete strategic pillars to be built into GEM; - support in the writing of the technical and policy sections of the assessment report, including the high-level policy brief, providing an interpretation of the results of the GEM, in the context of Honduras. Lead, plan, manage, and coordinate output 2.2.2: National strategy for resilient recovery developed and adopted by the Honduras NDA. The consultant will: - support the TT, the PSC, and the PCU to identify a first set of priority measures (e.g., Policies and investments), followed by a consultation process with local stakeholders to better represent how social, economic and environmental indicators interact in Honduras. - undertake inter-agency and stakeholder consultation workshops to validate priority measures to be included in an investment plan/strategy. - support the cross validation of the GEM priority measures, areas of impact and actions with the Plan for Reconstruction and Sustainable Development (PRDS), as well as linkages with the Green Recovery project activities; - lead the development of an investment plan/strategy for priority measures, in consultation with public and private investors and ensure the Plan’s alignment with recovery measures. - lead the translation of aforementioned priority measures into a concrete investment plan/strategy. This investment plan/strategy will consider the availability of resources as well as the expected social, economic and environmental outcomes of interventions, based on which a clear timeline for the investment strategy will be formulated. - lead the development of communication materials, such as presentations of results. Develop, plan, manage, and coordinate output 4.1.1: Concept notes with pre-feasibility studies for priority GCF projects/programmes. The consultant will: - coordinate the development of the pre-feasibility studies (3) and the concept concept (1) with the TT; - develop the concept note with the assistance of the project technical support; - support the TT for the organization of data, and the coordination of document management; - identify strategic allies, in close coordination with the PCU, to develop the concept note; - support the communication process in the multiple stakeholder consultations.

Work Location Secretariat of Natural Resources, and Environment of Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Expected duration 1 Month and 19 days

Duties and Responsibilities 1. Purpose

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. The UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LAC Office), located in Panama City, works closely with the 33 countries of the region and its activities are integrated into the Medium Term Strategy and the Programme of Work approved by the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA).

For Honduras, 2020 was a very difficult year not only for the COVID-19 pandemic that left many people jobless but also because of the tropical storm ETA (5 November 2020) and hurricane Iota (18 November 2020). Due to the impact of the pandemic and the natural disasters, the country's landscape is extremely complicated and it is experiencing an unprecedented setback in the economy, employment, and public finances. Therefore, the National Designated Authority (NDA) of the government of Honduras requested the Green Climate Fund (GCF) assistance to develop the Resilient Recovery Readiness project with the objective of supporting the national policy and strategy on reconstruction, including the translation of these efforts into concrete mid- to long-term investment strategies.

The GCF Readiness project will aid Honduras NDA to: - Integrate the impacts of Coronovirus Desease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and Hurricanes Eta and Iota, along with climate change with economic recovery models to quantify their impact of action and inaction and identify concrete interventions to re-build the economy based on principles of climate resilience. - Identify, validate and prioritize actions in a participatory and transparent process that supports the development of a concrete investment strategy and plan. - Select prioritized interventions, conduct pre-feasibility assessments and integrate them into concept notes for GCF finance. This would then facilitate concrete investments that materialize green transformation of the economy.

A Project Coordination Unit (PCU) will be established under the lead of UNEP and be responsible for the supervision of the project day-to-day activities. The PCU will draw detailed terms of reference, perform procurement and human resources duties, manage funds according to the terms in the grant agreement, provide technical inputs, organize events, oversee that all deliverables are provided by individual consultants in a timely and efficient way, and report progress to the GCF. The PCU will consist of a Programme Management Officer, Project Coordinator, and an Project Technical Support. For these reasons, the Climate Change Unit of UNEP’s Latin America and the Caribbean Office is looking for the Project Coordinator for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness Project approved in Honduras. She/he will support the Programme Management Officer for Climate Finance in overviewing and executing the Project’s outcomes, outputs, and activities. She/he will be supervised by the Programme Management Officer for Climate Finance. Additionally, he/she will work in close collaboration with the National Climate Change Directorate of the Secretariat of Natural Resources and Environment (MiAmbiente+) of Honduras and other national consultants and government and non-governmental counterparts. The project coordinator will work 40 hours per week, from Monday to Friday, full time and he/she will be located in a workspace within the Secretariat of Natural Resources and Environment of Honduras in Tegucigalpa, Honduras (Honduras, NDA). The incumbent will be supervised by the Programme Management Officer for Climate Finance.

Qualifications/special skills Academic Qualifications: - University degree (Bachelor’s) in economics, finance, administration, political science, international relations, engineering, science, other related studies is required - Postgraduate: a master's degree in engineering, economics, development, environment, public policy, international affairs or related matters is desired.

Experience: - At least seven (7) years of professional experience in projects of public policy, climate change, environmental economics, fiscal policy, climate policy, impact evaluation, economic research, development or disaster and emergency response is required. - At least two (2) years in practical experience in areas related to design, planning, execution and monitoring in project development is desirable - At least two (2) years of professional experience in environmental or sustainable development issues in low-emission and climate resilient programmes in Honduras is highly desirable. - Previous experience working with national or local government entities, and private sector or in Honduras is desirable. - Experience and knowledge of the political national context in Honduras is desirable. - Experience in positions related to facilitating and coordinating the participation of government-led stakeholders in setting up an externally funded program or projects in Honduras or elsewhere is highly desirable. - Experience in the design and management of projects financed by international climate funds, such as Green Climate Fund is desirable. - Experience in supporting the coordination of meetings and consultative conferences of medium to large scale, including experience in the definition of agendas, identification of participants and preparation of documents and presentations is highly desirable. - Experience in engaging with a range of high-level stakeholders and/or officials such as government agencies, policy decision makers, scientists, and the ability to communicate findings to high-level and mid-senior level management. - Experience in coordinating webinars or workshops is an asset. - Experience in the preparation of project budget, procurement plans, and progress reports is an asset.

Language: - The person is required to be fluent in Spanish. - It is desirable that the person is fluent in written and spoken English.

Competency: - Professionalism: ability to perform a wide range of administrative functions, for example, human resources, budget / work program, database management, etc. Ability to apply knowledge of various United Nations administrative, financial and human resources rules and regulations in work situations. He/she shows pride in work and achievements; is thorough and efficient in fulfilling commitments, meeting deadlines and achieving results; shows persistence in the face of difficult problems or challenges; keeps calm in stressful situations; stablishes and maintains productive partnerships with customers by gaining their trust and respect; identifies customer needs and combines them with appropriate solutions. - Communication: He/she speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, interprets others' messages correctly and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify and shows interest in having two-way communication; adapts the language, tone, style and format to match the audience; demonstrates openness to share information and keep people informed. - Teamwork: He/she works in collaboration with colleagues to achieve the objectives of the organization; solicits contributions by genuinely valuing the ideas and experience of others; is willing to learn from others; shares credit for team achievements and accepts joint responsibility for team deficiencies. - Planning and organization: He/she develops clear objectives that are consistent with the agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and tasks; adjusts priorities as necessary; allocates the appropriate amount of time and resources to complete the work; foresees risks and allows contingencies when planning; supervises and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.

Skills: - Proficiency in using Microsoft Package (Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) collaborative platforms (i.e., Teams, Google Drive) and virtual meeting platforms (i.e. Webex, Zoom, etc.) is required.


Added 2 years ago - Updated 2 years ago - Source: