Mid Term Review Consultant for UN Action Strategic Framework

This opening expired 9 months ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

UN-CRSV - Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence

Open positions at UN-CRSV
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Application deadline 9 months ago: Saturday 30 Sep 2023 at 23:59 UTC

Open application form

Result of Service The consultancy will be conducted between October 2023 and December 2023, with a final product due 31st December 2023. The consultancy is expected to take a total of 30 working days over the 3 month period.

The consultant(s) will be responsible of delivering the following:

1 Inception Report – 3 days

2 Completion of Desk Review – 5 days

3 Completion of Key Informant Interviews – 5 days

4 Preparation and Presentation of First Draft of Evaluation Report to Core Group – 10 days

5 Incorporation of feedback and Presentation of Second Draft Report to UN Action Network Focal Points – 4 days

6 Finalisation and submission of Final Report (Max 40 pages and a 4 Page Executive Summary) – 3 days

Work Location Home-Based

Expected duration Thirty days over a three month period.

Duties and Responsibilities Conflict-related Sexual Violence (CRSV) is frequently and deliberately used to target civilians, inflicting long-term trauma and humiliation, fracturing the social fabric, triggering displacement and fueling armed actors’ activities. Such violence is motivated by political, military or economic objectives to control territory or resources and also serves as a tactic of violent extremism and terrorism. Women and girls continue to be those primarily affected by CRSV, not least due to patterns of gender discrimination and inequality predating the conflict.

The United Nations Security Council has recognized the link between sexual violence, gender equality, and the restoration of peace and security. Through a series of UNSC resolutions on Women, Peace, and Security, it has stressed that sexual violence can significantly exacerbate situations of armed conflict and impede the restoration of international peace and security. CRSV is a serious violation of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, which under international criminal law can amount to a war crime, crime against humanity, or a constituent element of genocide. These resolutions have laid the conceptual and operational framework for the UN system, together with Member States and the international community, to prevent and respond to CRSV. The most recent CRSV resolution, UNSCR 2467, explicitly recognized the need for a survivor-centred approach in preventing and responding to CRSV and the continuum of violence perpetrated against women and girls. It also calls for the deployment of Women’s Protection Advisors (WPAs) at a senior level within offices of UN Resident Coordinators in all relevant situations of concern to implement the commitments outlined in all UNSCRs on CRSV.

UN Action

UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict (UN Action) unites efforts across the UN system with the goal of preventing CRSV, meeting survivors’ needs and enhancing accountability for CRSV. Launched in March 2007, the Network currently embraces 25 UN entities.

UN Action, working as one UN, aims to prevent and response to CRSV through a survivor-centred approach. Such an approach includes, but is not limited to, meaningfully engaging survivors and meeting their needs, addressing the root causes to CRSV, enhancing accountability and justice mechanisms, establishing protective environments propitious for the full enjoyment of survivors’ human rights, self-determination, and personal, social, cultural, political and economic undertakings, including in leadership roles if they so choose.

The Network is chaired by the SRSG-SVC and supported by the UN Action Coordinator and UN Action Secretariat, located in the OSRSG-SVC. Each member entity has a dedicated Focal Point at the working level, and a Steering Committee member at the principal level. UN Action’s initiatives including coordination, knowledge production, advocacy and project funding are resourced through Member State voluntary contributions to the Conflict-related Sexual Violence Multi-Partner Trust Fund (the Fund).


Shortly after the issuance of Security Council resolution 2467, UN Action developed its new Strategic Framework (2020 – 2025), focusing particularly on a comprehensive and survivor-centred approach to CRSV, with a renewed emphasis on prevention of CRSV, including addressing its structural root causes.

The Strategic Framework (SF) was created through an intensive and iterative process that led to the delineation of a new Goal, Theory of Change (ToC), four main Outcome Areas and a General Outcome related to overall coordination and advocacy, as well as specific activities, which were further detailed in its 2020 – 2021 and 2022 - 2023 Workplans.

The overarching goal of UN Action is that CRSV is prevented, survivors’ needs are met, and accountability of perpetrators is enhanced.

The five attending Outcomes are:

A General Outcome related to Overall Coordination of the UN Action Network;

Outcome 1 related to Prevention, Protection and Support to Survivors;

Outcome 2 related to Capacity Building and Strategic Engagement;

Outcome 3 related to Knowledge Building and the development of Policies, Guidance and Tools and;

Outcome 4 related to Data Collection, Management, Monitoring, Analysis and Harmonisation.

UN Action also developed targets with linked indicators for each of these Outcome areas. As living tools, UN Action’s overall Governance Documents, Strategic Framework and Workplans are regularly reviewed and updated in consultation with decision-makers and key stakeholders, including country counterparts.

As UN Action reaches the mid-point of its 2020 – 2025 SF, it aims to embark on a rigorous evaluation of its shortfalls and successes since 2020 which will be outlined in a public report.

The consultant, who will report to the UN Action Coordinator, will lead the mid-term review of the 2020 - 2025 Strategic Framework (SF). The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks, based on this expected timeline:

By 31st December 2023, produce an evidence-based Mid-Term Review Report of the UN Action’s 2020 – 2025 Strategic Framework.

The report must address, at minimum, the following key questions (noting that the questions will be refined in the first output of the consultancy, the inception report). The design and approach to the review should be participatory and involve key stakeholders in each stage of the process.

Proposed questions to be finetuned and unpacked further during the inception stage by the consultant in consultation with the UN Action Secretariat and SF Working Group:

1. To what extent is UN Action progressing towards the achievement of the 2020 – 2025 SF goal, each one of its five outcomes, and related outputs?

2. To what extent does the SF’s focus areas remain appropriate and relevant to the current and evolving context and what adjustments could be made?

3. To what extent has UN Action’s Advocacy and Fundraising Strategy yielded intended results and what can be done to accelerate its implementation?

4. To what extent are UN Action’s governance mechanisms (including its Steering Committee, Focal Points, Resource Management Committee, and Working Groups) fit for purpose and what could be done to enhance coordinated, coherent, and rapid response to CRSV in conflict affected countries?

5. To what extent are UN Action’s programmatic, funding and operational modalities efficient and fit for purpose and what could be done to improve these systems?

6. To what extent has UN Action fulfilled its guiding principles and core values, including employing a survivor centred approach, preventing CRSV, and tackling its root causes?

7. To what extent have UN Action’s grant making modalities and funded projects resulted in meaningful survivor centred support and what can be done to improve delivery of sustainable results?

8. To what extent has UN Action adequately consulted and benefitted its core stakeholder groups including survivors of CRSV, Senior/Women Protection Advisors, civil society organisations and governments of conflict-affected countries?

9. How can UN Action improve the meaningful participation and, where appropriate, involvement in decision-making of its key stakeholder groups to achieve its SF goals, particularly survivors of CRSV?

10. To what extent has UN Action been cost-effective in delivering on its SF and what could be done to optimize resources expended?

11. To what extent has UN Action been able to capture results adequately and communicate effectively to diverse stakeholder groups on its impact and what can be improved in this regard?

12. What are emerging risks that UN Action should mitigate and opportunities upon which it should capitalize?

13. How can UN Action best position itself going forward to maximise its effectiveness, reach and impact on improving the lives of CRSV survivors and those at risk?

Qualifications/special skills Advanced University Degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in political science, social science, communications, business administration, international relations and/or related fields is required.

A minimum of 5 years of work experience in programme planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and related fields is required.

Previous experience working on human rights, and gender equality, including the Women, Peace and Security agenda, CRSV and/or GBV, or related fields is required.

Demonstrated experience of having successfully undertaken similar assignments for the UN or comparable international organisations is required.

Demonstrated knowledge of managing and supporting multi-stakeholder initiatives and multi-lateral processes is required.

A minimum of 2 years of work-experience in conflict-affected settings is desirable.

Experience with UN field missions, inter-agency coordination in the UN or comparable international organisations will be desirable.

Languages Fluency in oral and written English is required. Fluency in a second language is desirable.


Added 9 months ago - Updated 9 months ago - Source: careers.un.org