International Consultant to develop Generation Equality and Media Movement and women safe migration

This opening expired 2 years ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

Application deadline 2 years ago: Friday 27 Aug 2021 at 23:59 UTC

Open application form


This is a International Consultant contract. More about International Consultant contracts.


UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

The UN Women Cambodia Country Office (CCO) Strategic Note (SN) 2019-2023 focuses on three key priorities to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE). The first priority is to strengthen government capacity and accountability to integrate international norms and commitments (CEDAW, SDGs, Beijing PfA, Sendai) into national legislative and regulatory frameworks, including supporting dialogue and CSO engagement in accountability for GEWE commitments. The second area of focus is Ending Violence Against Women where CCO’s focus includes creating an enabling environment to prevent, respond to and prosecute all forms of GBV as well as ensuring that marginalised women who experience violence, including women migrant workers, access services and protections. Thirdly, CCO works to enhance gender responsiveness in climate change action and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). A focus on empowerment, women’s leadership, challenging negative gender norms and leaving no one behind runs through the programme.

Globally, UN Women is also a lead agency to coordinate and mobilize resource for Generation Equality Campaign as a part of the celebrating 25th Anniversary of Beijing Platform for Action (BfA). It is expected that leveraging the potential of young women and civil society organizations would make a meaningful engagement with Beijing+25 anniversary campaign. Since 2020, UN Women in Cambodia has coordinated and supported to have transformative feminist movements the promote gender equality in Cambodia, including support for co-creation of Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) and BREAKTHROUGH that aim to nurture feminist transformative leadership to address negative social and gender norms as well as the on going LGBTQI plus movement through Loveisdiversity which has been running by a group of LBT Women Activists.

Safe and Fair (SAF) delivers technical assistance and support with the overall objective of making labour migration safe and fair for all women in the ASEAN region. SAF engages with ASEAN Member States’ government authorities; ASEAN institutions; workers’ organizations; employers and recruitment agencies; civil society organizations; community-based organizations; families and communities; research institutions and academia, media networks, youth, and the general public and supports programming in ten countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam).

SAF works in close cooperation with governments and social partners to achieve three inter-linked objectives:

  • Specific objective 1: Women migrant workers are better protected by gender-sensitive labour migration governance frameworks;
  • Specific objective 2: Women migrant workers are less vulnerable to violence and trafficking and benefit from coordinated responsive quality services; and
  • Specific objective 3: Data, knowledge and attitudes on the rights and contributions of women migrant workers are improved.

The SAF project strategy mainstreams three cross-cutting topics: women’s voice and agency; rights-based approach; and broad engagement of stakeholders. The SAF Communications and Visibility Strategy ensures visibility, awareness raising and dialogue promotion on changing norms around violence against women throughout migration and strengthening rights-based approaches to safe and fair labour migration governance for women in the ASEAN region.

SAF in Cambodia has partnered with civil society organization (CSO) to develop a women centred mobile application (Mobile App) named My Journey with a purpose to enable Cambodian women migrant workers and their family members to have access to accurate and reliable information and to expand their understanding on labour migration and right to work for safer migration decision. Mobile App: My Journey planned to be launched to the public sometime in September 2021, then following by a conduct of App outreach in order to reach out women migrant workers, their families and relevant authorities as much as possible.

UN Women in Cambodia currently seeks for an international media specialist consultant to lead the advancing the Feminist Movement Media Platform (BREAKTHROUGH and LoveIsDiverisity)and Media Campaign for addressing negative gender and social norms that disempower and discriminate against women and girls as well LGBTQI communities and to promote Mobile App: My Journey that supported by SAF.

Duties and Responsibilities


The assignment covers two major tasks, including provision of technical lead to advance existing feminist movement platforms (BREAKTHROUGH and Loveisdiversity) and supported by Cambodia Programme and promote the Mobile App: My journey, with highly compliance with SAF Communications and Visibility Strategy.

A consultant will work under the supervision and support from Cambodia Programme team of UN Women to undertake the tasks below:

  1. Lead and facilitate the development process of movement media platforms and campaign as mentioned in the above section.
  • Develop a detailed workplan to meet the purposes of the assignment, including task one and two;
  • Provide capacity building to the cocreators of BREAKTHROUGH and Loveisdiversity on transformative feminist media movement particularly in the context of pandemic, COVID 19. The includes developing training contents and materials in consultation with the cocreators of BREAKTHROUGH and Loveisdiversity and a conduct of the virtual workshops/trainings;
  • Provide technical input and support to facilitate creative arts workshop/campaigns that proposed by LoveIsDiversity and Breakthrough team. At least 3 media products produced for each platform (BREAKTHROUGH: 3 products, Loveisdiversity: 3 products);
  • Document the impact of Media movement on LGBTQI rights in Cambodia. At least a case study/story of change developed with voices of cocreators of Loveisdiversity and their audiences;
  • Provide recommendations to sustain the two feminist media movement platforms, including BREAKTHROUGH and Loveisdiversity through consultations with cocreators.
  1. In collaboration with SAF programme team and CSO partner, lead in developing media strategy and plan to promote Mobile App: My Journey. This includes the launch of the Mobile App and the conduct of the Mobile App outreach.
  • Develop concept note, including agenda for launching the Mobile App: My Journey;
  • Lead and facilitate for the launching of the Mobile App: My journey, including the development of launching plan and media products leading to the launch and the conduct of actual event;
  • Lead in developing outreach plan for Mobile App: My Journey, including media approaches to be used for reaching out to women migrant workers, their families and relevant stakeholders such as border controls and labour attaché;
  • Lead in developing script and detail plan for production with clear identification of participants in the media products for the outreach to promote Mobile App: My Journey;
  • Lead in developing media content and products to acknowledge the contribution of migrant women to the economy of both sending and receiving countries and to provide affirmative information for informed choice migration through feminist ideas;
  • Conduct virtual learning sessions for CSO partners on basic understanding on how to develop media contents by focusing on women-centred approach and ethical values on how to use social media, with gender lens and human right-based approach.EXPECTED DELIVERABLES


    Target Dates


    • Develop the inception report including workplan outlining key activities and methodologies and timeframe to achieve the assignment by reflecting on the feminist transformative leadership.
    • Develop concept note, including agenda for launching the Mobile App: My Journey media outreach plan for migration app, Your Journey.

    Deliverable 1:

    • Submission inception report, including workplan outlining key activities, methodology and timeframe.
    • Submission of the concept note and agenda for launching the Mobile App: My Journey.

    24 Sep 2021


    • Develop concept note, including agenda and methodology and tools for the capacity building to cocreators of LoveIsdiversity and Breakthrough related to development of media contents to address negative social and gender norms as well as discrimination against sexual orientation.
    • Lead and facilitate the launch of the Mobile App: My Journey with either blended form or completed virtual event. Develop outline of impact report related to LGBTIQ Loveisdiversity media movement.

    Deliverable 2

    • Submission of capacity building concept note for BREAKTHROUGH and Loveisdiversity.

    • Submission draft outline for an impact report related to LGBTIQ Loveisdiversity media movement.

    • Submission of the launching report of the Mobile App: My Journey.

    22 Oct 2021


    • Conduct media analysis on the impact of social media movement Loveisdiversity Cambodia and document the draft preliminary findings
    • Conduct capacity building to cocreators of Loveisdiversity, BREAKTHROUGH.
    • Support Breakthrough and LoveisDiverisity for their creative arts workshop planning and developing media products.
    • Develop outreach plan for Mobile App: My Journey, including media approaches to be used for reaching out to women migrant workers, their families and relevant stakeholders such as border controls and labour attaché.

    Deliverable 3

    • Submission trainings reports on the capacity building for cocreators of BREAKTHROUGH and Loveisdiversity.
    • Submission of a draft outreach plan for promoting Mobile App: My Journey.
    • Submission of a draft preliminary findings on impact of social media movement (Loveisdiversity) on elimination of discrimination against LGBTIQ persons and promoting equal rights for all.

    26 Nov 2021


    • Provide technical input and support to facilitate creative arts workshop/campaigns that proposed by LoveIsDiversity and Breakthrough cocreatorsto create media contents and products.
    • Develop media products for BREAKTHROUGH and Loveisdiversity (3 media products for each).
    • Finalise outreach plan for promoting Mobile App: My Journe, including promoting visibility and media products for piloting outreach activity/campaign.

    Deliverable 4

    • Submission workshop reports including providing recommendations.
    • Submission of media products that co-created with cocreators of the BREAKTHROUGH and Loveisdiversity.
    • Submission of the final media plan for piloting the outreach to promote Mobile App: My Journey.

    14 Dec 2021


    • Develop a concept note and agenda for media learning session to support capacity development of CSO partner.
    • Provide technical inputs and lead in piloting outreach plan to promote Mobile App: My Journey.

    Deliverable 5

    • Submission of a concept note, including agenda for media learning for SAF, CSO partner.
    • Submission of observation note related piloting outreach plan to promote Mobile App: My Journey.

    21 Jan 2022


    • Conduct virtual learning sessions for CSO partner on basic understanding on how to develop media contents by focusing on women centred approach and ethical values on how to use social media, with gender lens and human right based approach.
    • Lead in developing media content and products to acknowledge contribution of migrant women to the economy of both sending and receiving countries and to provide affirmative information for informed choice migration through feminist ideas.

    Deliverable 6

    • Submission of virtual learning session report.
    • Submission of media product to acknowledge contribution of migrant women to the economy.
    • Submission of end assignment report, including practical suggestion for enhancing social medial movement for social norm change and promoting Mobile App: My Journey.

    24 Mar 22


  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UN Women;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism; and
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment

Required Skills and Experience


  • Bachelor’s degree in media and communication and other related fields


  • Minimum 7 years progressively responsible relevant experience, preferably from the UN System or an international organization.
  • At least 4 years of professional experience in applying online media for promoting gender equality and women's human rights.
  • Sound knowledge of online media concepts and media creativity for communicating with audiences, including young people, law implementer, and authority.
  • Professional experience working in media campaigns to advocate for policy and social change in Cambodia or in Southeast Asia Region.
  • Profession experience related to capacity development/knowledge transfer through participatory process.
  • Good knowledge in using online media to raise voice and to promote women rights and gender equality for social norm change
  • Proven experience and skills in producing online media products that successfully engaged audiences with diverse background
  • Strong expertise in utilization of media for promoting gender equality, knowledge of gender equality, and human rights-based approaches
  • Have a good knowledge of media movement and gender equality, and LGBQI rights in Cambodia.

Language Requirements:

Fluency in English. Some understanding of Khmer would be an asset.


Applications will be evaluated based on Cumulative Analysis the following criteria:

  • Technical Qualification (100 points) weight; [70%]
  • Financial/Price Proposal (100 points) weight; [30%]

A two-stage procedure is utilized in evaluating the proposals, with the evaluation of the technical proposal being completed prior to any price proposal being compared. Only the price proposal of the candidates who passed the minimum technical score of 70% of the obtainable score of 100 points in the technical qualification evaluation will be evaluated.

Only candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% of total points will be considered technically qualified candidates.


  • Only the financial/price proposal of candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% score in the technical evaluation will be considered and evaluated.
  • The total number of points allocated for the price component is 100.
  • The maximum number of points will be allotted to the lowest price proposal that is opened/evaluated and compared among those technically qualified candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% score in the technical evaluation. All other price proposals will receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest price.


Interested candidates are requested to submit an electronic application to [email protected] no later than 27 August 2021. Late application submissions will not be considered.


  1. An application letter explaining why the candidate is the most suitable for the work;
  2. CV and Copies of Educational Qualifications;
  3. Personal History Form (P11). The P11 form can be downloaded from the following:
  4. or
  5. Financial proposal. The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, which breaking down by 1) daily professional fee; 2) cost of living allowance for applicable missions outside duty station; and 3) international airfare (round trip from home-based country to Phnom Penh) and other travel-related costs such as visa, if applicable.

All applications must include (as attachments) the P11 Form, CV, and the Financial Proposal.

UN Women-Cambodia requires that all international personnel, regardless of contract modality or position status, should comply with UN Cambodia Residential Security Measure (RSM) for accommodations and housing in Cambodia. A residential inspection is required and will be conducted by UNDSS, whereupon corrections may be identified to achieve compliance with UN Cambodia RSM Standards. As such, newly arriving personnel are advised not to enter into long-term housing arrangements until inspection and compliance are verified. For personnel who are already in-country, steps must be taken to achieve UN Cambodia RSM compliance.

Added 2 years ago - Updated 2 years ago - Source: