Individual Consultant: ICT Specialist for the DICT-UNDP CoRe FW4A

This opening expired 1 year ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

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Application deadline 1 year ago: Thursday 14 Jul 2022 at 23:59 UTC

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This is a National Consultant contract. More about National Consultant contracts.


Individual Consultant: ICT Specialist for the DICT-UNDP CoRe FW4A

  1. Project Title

Connectivity, Capability and Resiliency through Free Wi-Fi for All (CoRe FW4A)

  1. Project Description

The Philippines is recognized as a high user of online services, with an estimated 67 million Filipinos using Facebook. It is ironic, therefore, that 45% of the total population and 61% of households do not have access to the internet. On August 2, 2017, Republic Act No. 10929 otherwise known as the Free Internet Access in Public Places Act of 2017 was enacted, which mandates the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) as the lead implementing agency that will oversee its effective and efficient implementation. The law created the Public Internet Access Programme, which aims to provide free access to internet service in public places throughout the country such as the national and local government offices; public basic education institutions; state universities and colleges, and TESDA technology institutions; public hospitals, health centres and rural health units; public parks, plazas, libraries, and barangay reading centres; public airports and seaports; and public transport terminals.

The DICT then implemented the Free Wi-Fi for All Program (previously known as Pipol Konek), however, challenges in the bidding and implementation process, limited access to cost-effective and up-to-date technology options, as well as limited capacity of local telecommunications companies have slowed progress toward this goal. Hence, DICT sought the assistance of UNDP to accelerate the roll-out of the Pipol Konek Program. Working in partnership with DICT, UNDP will use its Direct Implementation Modality to apply its procurement system and partnership agreement instruments to provide Wi-Fi services and strengthen ICT ecosystem for designated areas that currently have no or limited access to the Internet, and to sites that were highly affected by the pandemic and/or natural disasters such as higher educational institutions (HEIs), rural health units (RHUs), and local government units (LGUs).

The long-term goal of the Connectivity, Capability, and Resiliency through Free Wi-Fi for All (CoRe FW4A) project is “Women and men are provided with access to free internet services in public places and government offices to supplement learning and help augment the government’s disaster preparedness and response and healthcare services.” The project outputs are as follows:

  1. Output 1: Broader people’s access to free internet services in designated sites;
  2. Output 2: Capacity of DICT and local government units strengthened to install and manage ICT and internet equipment and services, and in ICT assessment and planning; and
  3. Output 3: Disaster preparedness and response for emergency including health-related connectivity and communications resiliency improved for DICT, sub-national, and local government offices.

c.1) Output 3a: Healthcare ICT ecosystem strengthened for rural health units, vaccination centers, and public hospitals.

c.2) Output 3b: Disaster preparedness and response for emergency connectivity and communications improved for DICT, sub-national and local government offices.

At the end of the project, it is expected that internet access was provided to at least 300,000 unique users by means of the free public Wi-Fi in HEIs, RHUs, and other subnational and local government offices.

The Project requires the services of an ICT Specialist to provide technical expertise and guidance in the design and implementation of the free public Wi-Fi particularly in selecting technology options that will be appropriate for the project outputs, target sites, and beneficiaries. She/he will also support in the assessment, bid evaluation, coordination, and review of the terms of reference that will affect future and sustainable implementation of the Free Wi-Fi for All Programme of the DICT. The ICT Specialist shall promote a collaborative, client-oriented approach and contribute to the maintenance of high-quality implementation of the CoRe FW4A project.


Offerors must upload in one (1) file the aforementioned documents.

Templates for a) P11 Personal History Form and b) Offeror's Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability and Financial Proposal (Annex 2) are available through the link below. UNDP General Terms and Conditions for Individual Contractors are also available:

Incomplete submission of required documents may result in disqualification.

Please see deadline of submissions above.

In view of the volume of applications UNDP receives, only shortlisted offerors will be notified.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Scope of Work and Outputs

Under the overall direction and guidance of the UNDP Institutions and Partnerships Programme Team Leader and day-to-day supervision of the CoRe Fw4A Project Manager, and working closely with the DICT-UNDP CoRe FW4A Technical Working Group, the Individual Consultant shall perform the following:

  1. Perform a comprehensive technical assessment and provide technical recommendations/options that would ensure relevant, efficient, and effective free public Wi-fi for all set-up based on the identified needs of the sites per project Output including but not limited to the following considerations:
    1. High-speed (3G/4G/5G) internet availability
    2. Stability and reliability of broadband wireless access in the areas considering expansion centers
    3. Stable (always-on) power supply in the areas
    4. Adequate infrastructure facility / passable roads
    5. Accessible and reachable location (by foot)
    6. Minimum number of concurrent users per access point
    7. Identify appropriate bandwidth requirement per Output based on user needs
    8. Account for differences in internet access to strengthen, if not ensure, gender equality
  2. Develop and design site selection criteria and matrix designating the appropriate free public Wi-Fi ICT infrastructure and technology options.
  3. Conduct ocular site inspections and assessments in the HEIs, LGUs, health facilities, and other sub-national offices to determine the e-readiness and risks of beneficiaries, as needed. Inputs to develop a standard monitoring and evaluation tool for all ICT contracts in close coordination with DICT FW4A PMO with existing processes and tools.
  4. Identify, analyze, and propose actions to leverage emerging issues and new opportunities in the field of information and communication technologies that have a potential impact on the strategies and implementation of free public internet access.
  5. Provide technical advisory services and technical assistance to the CoRe FW4A PMO under the supervision of the CoRe FW4A Project Manager/Officer-in-Charge including but not limited to review of the Digital Hunger platform, gender equality, needs assessment data gathering tool/s, longitudinal survey questionnaire and sampling design, and identifying training needs of DICT and LGU staff.
  6. Lead the Technical Evaluation team in the review and evaluation of bid proposals for free public Wi-Fi in HEIs and RHUs, and with various emergency communications equipment to provide technical advice and inputs during planning, review, bid technical and financial evaluation, bid meetings, bid clarifications and contract award.
  7. Prepare and submit the Final Technical and Financial Evaluation Report upon the completion of the bid evaluation process including bids’ technical compliance to requirements, an assessment of the soundness of the financial proposals and value for money analysis (versus cost estimates, market prices, and other financial offers) of recommended bid. Ensure availability of Internet connectivity with reasonable internet bandwidth, identify reasonable minimum downtime, and reliable fallback facility.
  8. Ensure proposed IT hardware and software used by bidders, including licenses are of acceptable international standards.
  9. Identify plans for expansion and scalability of free Wi-Fi technology options including inputs on proposals for future phases of implementation through the development of Terms of Reference for the contracting firm/IC that will design the sustainability plan for the larger DICT FW4A program. The sustainability plan would suggest DICT for its long-term connectivity goals and provide strategies to continue the FW4A program which will include the learnings from the different modes of the project’s free Wi-FI implementation. The possibility of DICT and/or other government and social institutions and recipients of the project's outputs managing the continuity of services should also be an option.
  10. Attend relevant project meetings and collaborate with stakeholders to a more informed and represented deliverables.
  11. Upon review of bid proposals, ensure that these are compliant with requirements of RA 10929 particularly on prohibition to access pornographic websites and ensure mechanisms are in place for the online protection of children consistent with the existing laws on the rights and protection of the welfare of children.
  12. Provide advice and support on capacity development and training activities.
  13. Recommend corrective measures to ensure goals and objectives are met.

  14. Timetable of Deliverables

The Consultant shall implement the following activities and/or deliver on the following outputs:


Expected Level of Effort

Target Due Date

Review and Approvals Required

Inception Report and Work Plan; Project technical needs and support mapping. Reports on consultation and technical meetings with DICT and selected stakeholders including UNDP Procurement and various teams; ocular site inspection (when needed) / rapid technical assessment.

10 person-days

22 July 2022

CoRe FW4A Project Manager/Officer-in-Charge

I&P Programme Analyst/Focal

DICT FW4A PMO (when applicable)

Approval by:

Institutions and Partnership Programme Team Leader

Final Report on the Technical and Financial Evaluation of the bids received and reviewed from a minimum of six (6) tenders and a maximum of ten (10) tenders on free Wi-Fi for HEIs and RHUs, and various emergency communications equipment. Provide guidance in site validation and assessment prior to commencement of implementation.

50 person-days

14 October 2022

Standard contract monitoring tool for all ICT contracts consistent with DICT FW4A monitoring and evaluation, with documentation

10 person-days

28 October 2022

Draft and final Terms of Reference for contracting firm/IC to develop sustainability plan for DICT. Provide technical inputs and review outputs of connectivity mapping study, longitudinal survey on user experience for FW4A, ICT capacity needs-assessment and strengthening activities for DICT and LGUs.

10 person-days

25 November 2022


80 person-days

The estimated level of effort identified above is indicative and may be adjusted based on the situation and needs, but with prior approval by UNDP.

  1. Governance and Accountability

  2. Overall direction and guidance shall be provided by the UNDP Team Leader for Institutions and Partnerships while day-to-day supervision shall be performed by the CoRe Fw4A Project Manager/Officer-in-Charge with oversight from the Programme Analyst, with whom all outputs shall be submitted and through whom all communications shall be coursed or copied.

  3. The consultant will be working closelywith the DICT FW4A PMO and designated DICT offices for each Outputs of the project including but not limited to the Office of the Secretary, Office of the Undersecretary for Digital Philippines, Office of the Undersecretary for Resilient Government and Emergency Communications. Coordination with project board advisors such as DOH, CHED, and DILG may also be necessary.
  4. The Consultant is expected to provide his/her own laptop for the work requirement and with sufficient connectivity for virtual/online meetings.
  5. The Consultant shall consider at least 10 working days lead time for UNDP and DICT to review outputs, give comments, certify approval/acceptance of outputs, etc.

  6. Expected Duration of the Contract

The consultant will be hired for an estimated 80 person-days from 01 July 2022 to 16 December 2022, unless revised in a mutually agreed-upon timetable between the Consultant and UNDP.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the declaration of State of Public Health Emergency in the Philippines, all work and travel of the Individual consultant shall be done within the guidelines and protocols set by the local and national government. Fieldwork, training, meetings, and coordination shall be done in compliance with community quarantine policies.

  1. Duty Station

Effectivity of the engagement will be upon signing of the contract and will be valid after all outputs have been delivered and accepted within the contract period.

Duty station is at the UNDP Philippines office in Mandaluyong City. The Consultant is not expected to report on a day-to-day basis but shall agree with the CoRe FW4A Project Manager/ Officer-in-Charge on in-person meetings and a regular schedule to report via virtual meetings on status and provide feedback on the outputs. Travel to other parts of the country may be required, with the approval of UNDP, with travel costs covered by the Project.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, all work of the Consultant shall be done within the guidelines and protocols set by the regional and local governments where s/he will conduct field work.

  1. Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payment

  2. The Consultant should send a financial proposal based on a lump-sum amount for the delivery of the outputs identified below. The total amount quoted shall include all costs components required to deliver the services identified above, including professional fees, and any other applicable costs (i.e., communications expenses, and supplies expenses) to be incurred by the Consultant in completing the assignment. Travel, as deemed relevant by UNDP and compliant with government guidelines on community quarantine, will be arranged and paid for by UNDP and should not be included in the financial proposal.

  3. Medical/health insurance must be purchased by the individual at his/her own expense, and upon award of contract, the contractor must be ready to submit proof of insurance valid during contract duration. All required and relevant Covid-19 test procedures shall be covered by the Consultant.
  4. The contract price will be a fixed output-based price. Any deviations from the output and timelines will be agreed upon between the Contractor and UNDP.
  5. Payments will be made upon satisfactory completion of the deliverables by the target due dates. Outputs will be reviewed and certified by the CoRe Fw4A Project Manager and endorsed to the UNDP Programme Team Leader, prior to release of payments as follows:



Submission of inception Report and Work Plan; Project technical needs and support mapping. Reports on consultation and technical meetings with DICT and selected stakeholders including UNDP Procurement and various teams; ocular site inspection (when needed) / rapid technical assessment.


Submission of Final Report on the Technical and Financial Evaluation of the bids received and reviewed from maximum of eight (8) tenders on free Wi-Fi for HEIs and RHUs, and various emergency communications equipment. Provide guidance in site validation and assessment prior to commencement of implementation.


Submission of standard contract monitoring tool for all ICT contracts consistent with DICT FW4A monitoring and evaluation, with documentation


Submission of draft and final Terms of Reference for contracting firm/IC to develop sustainability plan for DICT. Provide technical inputs and review outputs of connectivity mapping study, longitudinal survey on user experience for FW4A, ICT capacity needs-assessment and strengthening activities for DICT and LGUs.




Corporate Competencies

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN mission, vision, values, and ethical standards
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Promotes UNDP's agenda in meetings

Other Competencies

  • Ability to work in close collaboration with a group of national and international experts, to meet strict deadlines and plan the work according to priorities;
  • Demonstrates capacity to plan, organize, and execute effectively;
  • The initiative, good analytical skills, mature judgment, and ability to work under tight schedule while respecting deadlines achievement, ethics, and honesty;
  • Ability to establish effective working relations in a diverse environment
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Builds strong relationships with internal and external clients;
  • Demonstrated ability to function in a team environment and to deal with a complex multi-stakeholder environment
  • Good ability to use information and communication technologies as tools and resources;
  • Excellent written communication and presentation/public speaking skills focus on results, ability to interact productively in a teamwork environment

Required Skills and Experience

  1. Qualifications of Successful Consultant and Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer

    The Offers received will be evaluated using a combined scoring method - where the technical proposal will be weighted 70 points and combined with the price offer which will be weighted 30 points.

The CV will be reviewed using the criteria in the table below. Only offerors who will obtain a minimum of 70% or 49 out of 70 obtainable points will be shortlisted and considered for evaluation of financial proposal.

Please make sure your CV indicates compliance with EACH of the following minimum criteria.


Maximum Obtainable Points


Master’s degree in Information Technology/Computer Science/Computer Engineering/Electronics and Communications Engineering/Technology Management or related course.

Certifications in Professional ICT training are advantageous.

14 points for master's degree in relevant field;

Additional 3 points for one (1) relevant professional ICT training or course



Minimum of eight (8) years’ experience as a technical consultant with responsibility for designing, delivering, and managing the design and deployment of ICT equipment and connectivity services. Previous working experience in a similar position in the government, UN agencies or international organizations would be an advantage.

14 points for 8 years’ experience

Additional 1 point per additional year of experience

Additional 2 points for previous experience in the government

Additional 3 points for previous experience with the UN or international non-profit organization


At least five (5) years of work experience in technology and innovation-related project implementation including ICT for development, connectivity infrastructure integration or management, emergency communications, digital governance, digital solutions.

21 points for 5 years’ experience

Additional 1 point per additional year of experience

Plus points for experience in the following

  • Identifying and deploying connectivity in remote areas or in emergency communications context, using fiber, radio, TVWS, VSAT, and other connectivity technologies. (plus 3 points)
  • Drafting of technical specifications in the proposals (specializing in the connectivity infrastructure and management, ICT equipment and services, digital governance), and substantive inputs in reviewing bids submitted during the bid evaluation and assisting in expediting the evaluation process. (plus 3 points)



Excellent command in written and spoken English based on written sample works on connectivity and digital transformation, digital divide, ICT for development, site and technical assessments or prioritization, connectivity policy brief, technical recommendations, proposal or report.




Assessment of best offer will be via Combined Scoring method – where the qualifications will be weighed 50% for CV and 20% for at least two (2) written sample works (i.e., technical plan, technical report, technical assessment and recommendation, etc.), combined with the price offer which will be weighed 30%.

  1. Recommended Presentation of the Offer

The Consultant shall be jointly selected and agreed upon by UNDP. The prospective Consultant(s) shall provide the following:

  1. Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;
  2. Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references; and
  3. Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs (see H. Scope of Price Proposal), as per template provided. If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial proposal submitted to UNDP.


Offerors must upload in one (1) file the aforementioned documents.

Templates for a) P11 Personal History Form and b) Offeror's Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability and Financial Proposal (Annex 2) are available through the link below. UNDP General Terms and Conditions for Individual Contractors are also available:

Incomplete submission of required documents may result in disqualification.

Please see deadline of submissions above.

In view of the volume of applications UNDP receives, only shortlisted offerors will be notified.

Added 2 years ago - Updated 1 year ago - Source: