Expert in Criminal and Socio-educational Justice System - Axis 5

This opening expired 7 months ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

Application deadline 7 months ago: Thursday 23 Nov 2023 at 00:00 UTC

Open application form


This is a UNV National Expert contract. This kind of contract is known as National UN Volunteer. It is normally only for nationals. More about UNV National Expert contracts.

In November 2018, the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) signed the international technical cooperation project BRA/18/019 - Strengthening Monitoring and Inspection of the Prison and Socio-Educational System. The project, initially titled the Present Justice Program, aims to develop tools and strategies focused on strengthening the monitoring and inspection of the prison and socio-educational systems, with an emphasis on reducing overcrowding and overpopulation. In this sense, the project aims to position the National Council of Justice as a central actor in resolving the crisis in the prison and socio-educational systems, considering the particularities of each one. The actions envisaged here include conducting studies, assessments, and plans, as well as creating mechanisms and instruments that enhance the implementation, dissemination and support of technical, conceptual, and operational capabilities aimed at improving penal policies and socio-educational measures in the country. The project also values the inter-institutional work between the Judiciary and Executive powers, to encourage the dissemination of methodologies and sustainability of the actions developed, even after its closure. The actions developed are structured around four main axes, in addition to a specific axis for cross-cutting and management actions, namely:

  1. Strategy to reduce overcrowding and prison overpopulation in Brazil developed and implemented
  2. Strategy to control the number of adolescents in deprivation of liberty developed and implemented
  3. Subsidies to promote citizenship and guarantee the rights of persons deprived of their liberty in the Prison and Socio-Educational System developed
  4. Unified Electronic Execution System (SEEU) improved, implemented, evaluated, and disseminated nationwide
  5. Improvement of service routines, knowledge management and knowledge transfer for the execution of the project methodology carried out

This assignment falls within Axis 5 described above, responsible for transversal actions and interinstitutional strategies that must be developed at a national level and disseminated in a sustainable way in all Federation Units. In this context, the Volunteer will act to enable full and complete compliance with the decision (on the merits) handed down by the Federal Supreme Court in ADPF 347, which consolidated the understanding regarding the existence of an unconstitutional state of affairs in Brazilian prisons, and determined the agreement and the monitoring of proposals that allow the construction of a national plan and state and district plans aimed at overcoming a situation of structural disarrangements and massive and systematic violation of fundamental rights, which prevent the implementation of the language and programs of principles signed in the Federal Constitution, in International Human Rights Treaties and in ordinary legislation.

The UN Volunteers will carry out technical-administrative functions with a view to advising and operationalizing management, formulation, diagnosis, monitoring and evaluation activities relating to the National Plan and, subsequently, State/District Plans determined by the decision of merit of ADPF 347 (STF), in the national territory, together with the Axes of the Fazendo Justiça Programme and under the supervision of the General Coordination of the Fazendo Justiça Programme based on the institutional guidelines of the DMF/CNJ.

Under the supervision of the General Coordination of the Fazendo Justiça Programme, the UN Volunteer will be responsible for specialized technical advice for the implementation of the National Plan and, subsequently, State/District Plans determined by the merit decision of ADPF 347 (STF), in the national territory, aimed at the control of prison overcrowding, the poor quality of existing places and the entry and exit of prisoners. They will undertake the following activities: • Carry out technical and administrative management with a view to operationalizing the deci-sion on the merits of ADPF 347 by the STF, within the scope of Axis 5, which relate to project formulation actions, interinstitutional articulations, survey and systematization of data and in-formation, proposal of indicators, monitoring and evaluation of results and impacts. • Prepare, manage, monitor and evaluate the national plan and 27 state plans to be submitted for approval by the STF, according to the purposes, deadlines and guidelines set out in the ADPF 347 decision. • Carry out, together with the program team, inter-institutional cooperation and articulation activities between the various authorities, institutions and the community for the construction and operationalization of governance and coordination strategies, in order to promote collec-tive engagement in activities related to the National Plan and State Plans. • Support studies and advocacy strategies aimed at promoting balance and proportionality between the number of criminal execution courts and the number of criminal courts, as well as the number of prisoners. • Support the planning, monitoring and evaluation activities of all actions under development, in conjunction with the supervisor to ensure the good implementation of administrative and operational activities. • Prepare, translate, and review texts, reports, letters, and other documents necessary for management, systematization of knowledge produced and development of ongoing actions that dialogue with compliance with the ADPF 347 decision. • Collaborate in holding strategic meetings, working groups, events and training, providing technical-administrative and management support to the coordination of Axis 5, especially in its actions to articulate the National and State/District Plan with the initiatives and plans under development through the axes of the Fazendo Justiça Program in the federation units with ongoing actions. • Register and monitor the actions undertaken, based on the definition of established goals and priority deliveries, and the management strategies and monitoring tools defined by the UNDP and the CNJ. • Execute analysis and research of national and international theses and jurisprudence on the topic, as well as public policies with innovative projects that can be added and adapted to the Brazilian reality, aiming for assimilation with the national plan and state plans; • Perform other tasks, as required by assigned supervision.

Accountability; Adaptability and Flexibility; Client Orientation; Commitment and Motivation; Commitment to Continuous Learning; Communication; Creativity; Ethics and Values; Integrity; Knowledge Sharing; Planning and Organizing; Professionalism; Respect for Diversity; Self-Management; Technological Awareness; Working in Teams.

the areas of Justice, Human Rights, Prison/Penal System, Public Management, Public Policies, or related areas, including university internship, academic and professional experience. - Work experience, including internship, with partners in the public sector, especially the Judiciary is desirable. - Experience in advising, managing, planning, monitoring and evaluating projects or public policies s desirable.

The assignment will be in Brasília, the Federal capital of Brazil and seat of government of the Federal District. Brasilia is a family duty station and classified A (hardship). The living conditions in Brasilia are good as well as the access to health services. The accommodation facilities are in general good, and the choice is wide. As this is a national UN Volunteer assignment, the UN Volunteer will be responsible for arranging their own housing and other living essentials. National UN Volunteers are part of the malicious insurance plan. Brazil is security level 3 (moderate). United Nations Department of Safety and Security UNDSS Brazil advises to exercise a high degree of caution in Brazil due to high levels of serious and violent crime, particularly in major cities. Violent crime as muggings, armed robbery, kidnappings, and sexual assault, is very high. Avoid shanty towns (favelas) in the big cities and if you are attacked or robbed, do not resist. Demonstrations can occur at any time and may turn violent with little or no warning. All United Nations personnel must scrupulously comply with UNDSS procedures and recommendations during their assignment in Brazil. For missions in rural areas or indigenous reservations, special procedures may apply; UN personnel should consult with the local DSS office in advance. Specific UN Volunteer entitlements, including insurance coverage, Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA), and Deployment /Repatriation lump sums, among others, are available at . The complete UN Volunteer Conditions of Service is available at .

Added 7 months ago - Updated 7 months ago - Source: