Creation of Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge Social Media Cards

This opening expired 4 years ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

Application deadline 4 years ago: Monday 23 Nov 2020 at 23:00 UTC

Open application form


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Create photo-based social media graphics cards and related social media messages for all 72 submissions to the 2020 Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge. The graphics cards and messages will be used by UNICEF and partner’s Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts. Submission of the 2020 Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge can be accessed here: Specific Deliverables: a. 72 photo-based social media graphics cards. b. A generic Tweet to along with each card. c. An excel sheet with all cards and draft social messages together.

  • Art and design
  • Communication, mass media and art

    Young people understand the challenges that they face in their lives and communities and have the ambition and inspiration to come up with the most relevant solutions. UNICEF’s helps young people to become co-creators and develop their own innovative solutions to the challenges the face.s. The Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge calls applications from young people to create solutions that will support the 7 strategic priorities of Generation Unlimited. Young people are already involved in co-designing and implementing solutions in over 40 countries through the Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge in 2019 and 2020.

  • Volunteers: 1 needed

  • 6-10 hours per week / 5 weeks

    We are looking for an Online Volunteer with experience in graphic design with a quality portfolio that, ideally, includes work on social innovation, youth entrepreneurship and / or the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

  • Global

  • English
Added 4 years ago - Updated 4 years ago - Source: