Communication Officer

This opening expired 2 years ago. Do not try to apply for this job.

UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

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Application deadline 2 years ago: Friday 6 May 2022 at 00:00 UTC

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This is a UNV International Specialist contract. This kind of contract is known as International UN Volunteer. It is normally internationally recruited only. More about UNV International Specialist contracts.

Guinea-Bissau is a small country wedged between the sub-Saharan arid ecosystems and the Guinean moist forest ecoregion. The resulting combination creates majestic terrestrial landscapes and a patchy mosaic of dense and open forests, gallery forests and woodland savannah that are rich in significant plant and animal life and a refuge for many migratory species that move across the West-African savannahs. In addition, it is one of Africa’s richest countries in terms of natural resources endowment. Beyond having great biodiversity, its soil is fertile and hosts a multitude of minerals. Despite this obvious will and the constant efforts of the Government, the sustainable management of the environment, notably the destruction of biodiversity and poor management of natural resources, remain a major challenge. These challenges derive from various causes, including the impacts of climate change and weakness of environmental governance due to low capacities of the State for the effective application of the international conventions and the national laws governing management of the environment and natural resources, risk management, and disaster prevention.

The rich natural endowment of the country has not benefited the population so far. The recurrent structural fragility of the economy has left the population with few meaningful opportunities, especially in rural areas. The population continues to be poor and confined to subsistence activities and informal trade. This situation is a source of discontent amongst the population, a serious threat to the livelihood of households, especially in terms of food and social security, and particularly to women and youth, posing extra strain to an already precarious condition. To build the interest of the population in the affairs of the state, a first step is to restore its confidence through investments in local governance for local economic development to create conditions for the population to benefit from the local economic opp

Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of Head of the Sustainable Development Unit or her designated mandated representative(s), the UN Volunteer Communications Officer will:

• Establish an internal and external communication strategy for the Sustainable Development Unit that contribute to enhancing the branding of the unit and as a consequence partnership and resource mobilization;

• Provide advisory to the head of the unit on strategic communication on the unit’s results.

• Act as the communication focal of the sustainable development unit in the CO and contribute to internal and external communication documents.

• Support the elaboration and implementation of the project’s communication plans;

• Organize and conduct the communication component of project activities/events for the Sustainable Development Unit, including drafting the background notes, media relations, taking photos, preparing talking points, invitations and press-releases;

• Organize the internal communication operation by facilitating the establishment of relevant tools and guidance for the projects;

• Produce quality and appropriate information materials for outreach to different audiences (periodical newsletter, social media update, identify and write project success stories and project factsheet);

• Edit, design and/or supervise the process of editing and designing all the documents to be shared externally or published by UNDP’s Sustainable Development Unit;

• Establish a photo and video library for the unit to support documentation of all the events, results etc.;

• Perform any other duty as requested by the supervisor.

Adaptability and Flexibility, Commitment to Continuous Learning, Communication, Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity, Working in Teams

At least 3 years of professional work experience at the national and/or international in marketing, strategic communication, public relations, public information and reporting, journalism, mass media and broadcasting communications, advocacy other communication related experience.

The Republic of Guinea-Bissau is a West African country bordering the north with the Republic of Senegal, the south with the Republic of Guinea and the southwest with the Atlantic Ocean. The country has an area of 36,125 km2 and consists of a mainland and islands that includes the Bijagós Archipelago, with 88 islands and islets, of which only 20 are inhabited. However, it exhibits some of the best beaches in West Africa. The (humanitarian) operation in Guinea-Bissau is unique. It provides for an interesting and enriching environment, but also requires a mature level of cultural awareness, as well as more stamina and commitment than elsewhere. Therefore, flexibility and willingness to live/work in harsh conditions, are essential. Climate: Located approximately halfway between Ecuador and the Tropic of Cancer, Guinea-Bissau has a tropical climate, characteristically hot and humid. There are two distinct seasons: the rainy season and the dry season. The rainy season extends from mid-May to mid-November, with higher rainfall in July and August. The dry season corresponds to the remaining months of the year. The months of December and January are the freshest. However, temperatures are very high throughout the year. Administration: On the administrative level, Guinea-Bissau is divided into eight regions: Bafatá, Biombo, Bolama / Bijagós, Cacheu, Gabú, Oio, Quinara, Tombali and an Autonomous Sector of Bissau which is the capital. The main cities are the capital Bissau with more than 400,000 inhabitants, followed by Bafatá, Gabu, Cantchungo, Farim, Catió and Buba. Demography:The population is estimated in 1,584,791 inhabitants, according to the Census conducted in 2009 (National Institute of Statistics). The population growth rate is 2.2% and 43% of the population are living in the urban area. Guinea Bissau is a multi-ethnic country with more than thirty ethnic groups. At the cultural level, there are two main groups: animists who predominate in coastal areas and Muslims in the eastern part of the country. Languages: Portuguese is the official language and Creole is the national language used as a means of communication for more than 70% of the population. The other languages spoken in the country are Balanta, Fula, Mandinga, Manjaco, Mancanhe, Papel, Biafada, Bijagó and Felupe. Immigration and health formalities: Citizens of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) do not need an entry visa. The international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever is required of all travelers. Vaccination against Hepatitis A and B; Meningitis; Tetanus are highly recommended. Medical Facilities: UN Health Clinic and Dispensary (UN House HQ); MEDEVAC procedures stablished. Currency/exchange: Guinea-Bissau is part of the West African Economic and Monetary Union of (UEMOA, French acronym), and according to the regulations of the travelers must declare, in writing, upon entering and leaving the country, those means of payment which amount exceeds the equivalent value of 1,000,000 CFA. Shopping and hotel facilities do not accept credit cards but is possible to withdraw values in ATMs. UNSMS Personnel are strongly recommended to use banks or authorized forex bureaus to change money. UNDSS Travel Advisory: Guinea Bissau is a country with a history of political instability and coups. The security situation is under control, but some tensions prevail. Terrorism is a serious regional threat. Crime rate is generally considered low. Main hazards include road traffic accidents and medical issues. It is important that prior arrangements are made with UNDP for airport reception

Added 2 years ago - Updated 2 years ago - Source: