Business Development & Partnership Manager

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IRC - The International Rescue Committee

Open positions at IRC
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Job Description


Con sede en Guatemala, Honduras o El Salvador

El Comité Internacional de Rescate (IRC) responde a las peores crisis humanitarias del mundo y ayuda a las personas a sobrevivir y reconstruir sus vidas. Fundado en 1933 a pedido de Albert Einstein, el IRC ofrece cuidados que pueden salvar vidas y asistencia que cambia la vida de los desplazados y refugiados que se ven obligados a huir de una guerra o un desastre. Trabajando hoy en más de 40 países y 22 ciudades de EE. UU., Restauramos la seguridad, la dignidad y la esperanza de millones de personas desarraigadas y que luchan por sobrevivir. El IRC lidera el camino del daño al hogar.

People in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, referred to as Northern Central America (NCA), are facing a complex emergency and underprioritized humanitarian crisis of a multi-causal nature. The COVID-19 pandemic, along with recurring natural disasters, have only intensified the basic needs of historically marginalized groups, risking their long-term mental and physical wellbeing. By November 2020, there was an estimated total of 9.2 million people in need (PIN) of humanitarian assistance; this number represented a 77% increase when compared to data from early 2020.

NCA ́s protracted humanitarian needs are comparable across the three countries, which face similar challenges including recurring protection concerns due to high rates of violence and internal displacement and migration, reduction of purchasing power and loss of livelihoods, with alarming rates of poverty and food insecurity. COVID-19 unfolded when the number of acutely food insecure people in NCA was on the rise, largely due to conflicts, extreme climate events and economic downturn. COVID-19 increased the number of people facing acute hunger as jobs are lost, the flow of remittances slowed, and food systems are under stress or disrupted.

In this context, the IRC responds to people in need through GBV prevention and response services, child protection services, protection coordination, advocacy, responsive information, and multi-purpose cash assistance. Activities are tailored to communities, based on their needs, resources, and access to services. Activities in target locations are determined in collaboration with local stakeholders, allowing the response to be tailored to micro-contextual considerations and community preferences. The IRC works closely with local partners in each location.


The Business Development & Partnership Manager provides strategic guidance and support to IRC´s Response Northern Central America in program development, grants/sub-grants management, compliance, and donor relations. S/he facilitates proposal development processes and supports a variety of aspects of project cycle management, including reporting, grant and sub-grant monitoring and modifications, and grant closing. The GPC will ensure an effective coordination with all key staff members including those based in HQ and Region.


Business Development (55%):

- Manage IRC´s NCA Business Development strategy, support the CD, DDP and Technical Coordinators in proactive engagement with potential and existing donors for fundraising to implement its Strategic Action Plan (SAP) and maintaining good relationships. - Lead the proposal writing and coordinate with all relevant staff to gather their inputs in a timely fashion with support from the Grants team and coordinate efforts with Regional and HQ-based (NYC, London, Germany) colleagues. - Support the Grants and Partnership team members and other relevant colleagues in coordinating and maintaining an efficient system for proposal/concept note development and revisions as relevant. Maintain clear responsibilities outlined for management, programs, finance, and operations departments - that yields timely, high quality submissions. - Ensure proposals are timely tracked with standard IRC tracking tools (e.g. FM01, OTIS). - Be the primary interlocutor for the HQ-based (NYC, London, Germany) NCA focal points with regards to Business Development initiatives and coordinate with all relevant technical and implementation colleagues and devise the timelines with clear responsibilities for the proposal development and submission. - Analyze all funding opportunities in collaboration with the technical units’ in-country, Region and HQ levels for further actions. - Ensure that all current major projects/and those to be developed are aligned with respective Theory of Change with strong Measurement Frameworks. - Contribute to the identification of potential donors, maintenance of donor relations and mobilization of resources to support planned work as per the SAP, ensuring the Value for Money - Promote the involvement of stakeholder groups, including implementing partners and beneficiaries (where possible), in designing new projects/ programs. - Train other country team members as relevant

Team Coordination and grants management support (25%):

- Strengthen the capacity of the Grants & partnerships team members on business development, proposal coordination, writing, grants management, reporting and partnerships - Ensure that grants & partnership staff collaborate with relevant functional areas (Finance, Supply Chain, etc.) in reviewing donor contracts and outline major concerns to relevant country and HQ based colleagues. - Support grants & partnership staff and other relevant colleagues in organizing Grant Opening; Regular/Monthly review and Closure Meetings in timely and effective manner - Ensure the compliance to donor’s policy and procedures at the time of financial and progress reporting. - Ensure preparation of high quality, comprehensive donor reports, combining information from all the areas, including Finance, Operations, and Programs. - Support team members in undertaking proactive assessment of potential risks in managing donor contracts throughout the project cycle management, anticipate risks, inform, and support all concerned including SMT to take timely risk mitigation measures - Support effective coordination with the Award Management Unit in IRC HQs and Region for any day-to-day requirements including periodical realignments of the budgets, managing cost/no-cost extensions etc.

Partnerships (10%):

- In collaboration with the CD and DDP, advance the partnership agenda. - Support team members in overseeing, facilitating, and coordinating all aspects of partnership life cycle management, from stakeholder analysis, partner identification, due diligence, project development, agreement, start-up, implementation, monitoring through to close-out, coordinating effectively with all programs, operations, and finance components - Support team members in overseeing the management, coordination, and key risk control elements of IRC NCA´s partnership portfolio to ensure a high level of risk management and compliance in strong, high-quality partnerships that deliver timely and effective assistance in line with IRC’s partnership management system (PEERS). - Champion robust partner relationship management characterized by the core partnership principles of responsibility, results-oriented approach, equality, transparency, and complementarity. - Identify, maintain, and engage with key potential partner organizations across the country - Ensure a high-level of efficiency in seeking approvals from HQ and region to sign the partnership agreement by being proactive and preemptive through consistent learning from past and improving to increase the efficiency of the process. - Ensure a strong coordination with all key in-country, in the region and HQ to ensure that no unreasonable delays come across in finalizing partnerships.

Other (10%):

- Support miscellaneous tasks as needed per supervisor´s guidelines.

Major Challenges/ Difficulties of This Role

- Work under tight deadlines while dealing with competing priorities - Coordine y recopile los insumos necesarios de otras funciones / roles mientras cumple con la calidad necesaria dentro de plazos ajustados. - Trabajar con diversos equipos de países, regiones y oficinas centrales y garantizar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de cumplimiento de la organización y los donantes al tiempo que garantiza la calidad y el cumplimiento de los plazos.


- Licenciatura en Economía / Administración de Empresas / Relaciones Internacionales / Estudios de Desarrollo o experiencia equivalente - Experiencia en la gestión de acuerdos y contratos de USAID y actividades de recaudación de fondos; preferencia por candidatos con experiencia en la gestión de una variedad de acuerdos y contratos con donantes, incluidos ONU, ECHO, PRM, SIDA, GIZ, etc. - Amplio conocimiento de las prácticas de debida diligencia y gestión de asociaciones. - Experiencia probada en redacción de informes y propuestas de alta calidad. Se requerirá una muestra de escritura. - Excelentes habilidades de comunicación en inglés; habilidades de redacción y edición de alta calidad - Experiencia probada en la elaboración de presupuestos, gestión / seguimiento financiero y elaboración de informes. Se requerirá una prueba de Excel. - Experiencia en gestión de proyectos de donantes, preferencia por experiencia tanto en programas de desarrollo como en emergencias; énfasis en la calidad del programa y la gestión de asociaciones. - Alto nivel de habilidades analíticas, habilidades de negociación y pensamiento crítico. - Capacidad para gestionar y liderar un equipo para lograr objetivos en un entorno de trabajo complejo. - Habilidades interpersonales, de comunicación y de relación altamente desarrolladas con capacidad para influir en organizaciones e individuos externos. - De 6 a 7 años de experiencia constante, probada y exitosa en el desarrollo de programas, gestión de donantes después de la aprobación de proyectos (incluidos informes, realineamientos, extensiones, etc.) y gestión de asociaciones.

preferencia de idioma

- Excelentes habilidades de comunicación verbal y escrita en inglés y español.

Added 2 years ago - Updated 1 year ago - Source: